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Note: A copy of this propaganda is posted here for archival purposes.






Saturday, 20 March 2010 03:49 | Written by YounusAbdullahMuhammad


REVOLUTION MUSLIM is pleased to announce our next effort and we ask all to take time out to participate in this noble cause. We have penned a letter to Mr. Barach Obama, Pharoah of the American Empire calling him to Islam and, or to end the Wars and American aggression across the globe. This is in emulation of our noble and beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws), who sent several letters to the leaders of his time calling them to Islam and warning them in the event they did not accept of impending doom. We ask all to sign it whether you live in the United States and stay tuned for more information about the endeavor as we use it to spread our platform over the coming months inshallah. You can read the pdf below and then sign the petition by clicking HERE... feel free to email this petition to friends and family, or to print the flier and hand it out in your community, embed it on blogs and websites, forums and make youtube videos about the endeavor we would like to get as many signatures as possible inshallah. Jazakallah Khair and again stay tuned for more with regard to developments of this effort inshallah.




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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful - This letter is from the Muslim Nation (ummah), the followers of the Last and Final Prophet to mankind, Muhammad son of Abdullah (May Peace and Blessings be Upon him), to Barack Obama, the ruler of the United States of America - May Peace be upon those who follow the right path and true guidance.

We invite you to Islam and want to inform you that if you become a Muslim you will be safe and Allah will double your reward, but if you reject this invitation to Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your subjects and admirers and Allah will humiliate you for warring against His (elevated above all is He) intimate trustees. And we would like to recite to you the translated statement from the Qur’an, the words of which consist of the perfect and preserved speech of Allah. Allah says in His book,

“O People of the Scriptures! Come to a word common to you and us that we worship none but Allah and that we associate nothing in worship with Him, and that none of us shall take others as Lords beside Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (Qur’an 3: 64).”

More than a year has now gone by since your election as president. After a succesful campaign full of reading teleprompters and speeches written by others and utilizing the skills and knowledge of the propagandist marketing industry of the consumerist West, you weazled your way into the Oval Office and are now sitting at the head of American Empire. However, now that your promises and rhetoric are being recognized for what they were, simple deception and pandering to the polling and focus-grouping that truly drives politics in Washington today, the people are waking up and rising against your tyranny. You promised change the Americans could believe in, but you have delivered nothing to them so far and the quality of life in America today, at least for the majority of its population, is decreasing significantly and there is general anxiety amongst the citizenry who, for the most part, are becoming aware that they have been manipulated and abused at the hands of a Global Elite in your name. We address this letter to you amidst this reality, a reality that continues to weigh heaviliy on the average American psyche and has instigated an era of bewilderment and fear, the likes of which the Muslim Nation has been living in for quite some time, due primarily to America’s influence on their lands of lives.

Thomas Paine, true American humanitarian once said, “these are the times that try men’s souls.” Indeed, the world today is faced with difficulty and affliction everywhere, but our brothers and sisters living in the Muslim world especially suffer every day under two primary American occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, under a continuaton of sanction and embargo the likes of which killed over a million of our children in the past, under the complete and unconditional support for Israel as its uses its $3 billion in American aid each year to attack civilians in Palestine, under the complete requisition of the natural resources of our lands to the coffers of tyrannical regimes you call allies but anyone concerned with real human rights calls despotic tyrants, …. NEED WE GO ON!

And for your part, Mr. Obama, you ran on a campaign to give more of Muslim land to Israel, claiming in front of the AIPAC lobby in 2008 that we, “must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state with secure, recognized, and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.” So today we witness that the Israelis are opening a synagogue only a few tens of meters away from our beloved Al-Aqsa mosque on land we lived on in peace with Jews and Chiristians under Muslim control for centuries and you continue to bomb us with unmanned drones that take out mostly civilians, you fight proxy wars against us through the puppet regimes and increase troops with a surge in Afghanistan. All of this and much more has made you an enemy of our religion, a tyrant and despot of your own.

You continue and advance what you call the War on Terror; you raised the defense budget 4% in 2010 from 2009; you spend $1 million per troop each year in Afghanistan and have a total defense budget that numbes above $1 trillion each year. America spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined and operates over 1,000 military bases, thus the American military presence is felt in nearly every corner of the globe; you speak of troop withdrawal from Iraq but deploy more soldiers to Afghanistan, send more advisors and covert operatives to Yeman, Nigeria, Somalia and other states, and send more military assistance to the elite that continue to deny Muslims basic economic, social, and political rights; you operate the biggest foreign embassy the world has ever known in Iraq and are constructing embassies to rival it in Kabul and Islamaba. Yet you have the audacity to stand in front of us in Cairo and tell us you are a friend? Estimates point to the eventual cost of U.S. wars in the Muslim world above $3 trillion and rather than defeat the “terrorists,” as you call them, you are radicalizing a whole generation of Muslim youth as new Islamist fronts have opened in North and East Africa, Pakistan, Yemen, Indonesia and elsewhere. Apparently, all this spending on the War on Terror is only creating more of it. It seems to us that an actual waged war on terror would be an act of suicide, turning on yourself in the face of the largest state sanctioned terror the world has ever known.

Meanwhile, in America on your own shores, more than 10% of the people are on food stamps, 36 million live below the poverty line, nearly 13 million of them children, and unemployment remains at 10% (and these are manipulated numbers), while you bailout rich bankers on Wall Street and service the elite. Because you spend 40 cents for every tax dollar on war, 45 million have no health insurance and over 1% of the populaton is in prison with over 3% on probation or parole, millions have lost their homes since the housing bubble burst, millions more will lose their homes in the coming year. Still, you prioritize the military-industrial complex over the everyday citizens that backed you wholeheartedly in your campaign. It is therefore no wonder your polls show continued decline and widespread dissatisfaction with your tyrannical rule. You call America a land of peace and prosperity, an over-all good force in the world, but the realities suggest that the U.S. is an imperialist nation, the Babylon, Rome, or Egypt of its age. That makes you Nimrod, Caesar, and Pharoah...It is hard to tell Mr. Obama who the American government hates more, Muslims or its own poor and oppressed? So, we send you this letter to offer you Islam as a religion and a way of life. If you accept it than you must stand for the set of policies that follows. However, if you do not accept Islam then you may recognize that these policies must still be adopted in order to prevent America’s decline like Empires of old. We call on you Mr. Obama to adopt four clear principles of policy and to work to establish them in the land:

1) You must end the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and remove all combat, contingency, and private mercenary forces from Muslim land

2) You must shut down every covert and overt military base and reel in the imperialist overstretch of military power over the globe.

3) You must end U.S. aid to Israel and discontinue all U.S. arms transfers to the terrorist state, and

4) You must stop your support for tyrannical regimes of the Muslim world including military and general aid to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yeman, Morrocco, Iraq, Lebanon, Indonesia, and others like them.

If you do this than there will be peace between us and you. Allah says in the Quran, “and if the enemy inclines toward peace, then you incline to it and put your trust in Allah (8:61).” We call you to peace Mr. Obama, we only want to live under the laws and culture that God has granted us in the Qur’an, free from American dictate, free from empire and colonialism. In the event you establish these policies then over $1 trillion will be available to spend on your own people. They can have food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, education and more. The American Empire is going bankrupt and all because of its War on Islam. We tell you the Muslim nation has never suffered under occupation for long and that our true creed does not allow us to practice our religion but hand over soveverignty in the realm of politics, economics and society to a foreign force. Islam dominates in every aspect of the word and is never dominated. It is a superior system as it is Divine and from the Creator Himself. We call you to the religion that is the only acceptable way of life in the eyes of Allah and we warn you of a personal and societal humiliation in the event that you obstinately persist and do not heed this call.
The Undersigned

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21 posted on 05/01/2010 9:19:55 PM PDT by Cindy
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A bit off thread topic.

Note: A copy of this propaganda is posted here for archival purposes.



Note: Video included.


Street Dawa 5-1-10

Again, a rough crowd, although the whole community now has been discussing the dawa for quite sometime and has split into two camps with regard to this. Thus the nature of the call, those that are worried by it, and those that recognize it as the truth... means that at least we have got them thinking about Islam and whilst many will probably still be here when Allah send his hujjah and we may be too, we feel we have the community engaged no matter how completely ignorant they may be of the reality of their condition - Allah swt says in the Quran:

And when a community among them said, “Why do you preach to a people whom Allah is about to destroy or to punish with a severe punishment? They said, “In order that we may b e free from guilt before your Lord, and perhaps they may fear Allah. So when they forgot the remindings, We rescued those who forbade evil, but We seized those who did wrong with a severe torment because they used to rebel (7: 164-165)

We pray that Allah (swt) make us free of guilt before Him, and that he rescue us from his torment and destruction. Amin!!! You notice the new brother in the video, I believe that he will someday be a very good da’ee inshallah, we hope to be hearing more from him as well, soon inshallah ta ala. Amin!

22 posted on 05/01/2010 9:25:05 PM PDT by Cindy
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