Since the 7.2 earthquake in Baja about seventeen hours ago, there have been 190 aftershocks. That does not count the other quakes in the Southern California region, specifically just over the border in the United States. It refers only to quakes tagged as Baja.
Southern California experiences earthquakes daily, most of them too small for people to sit up and take notice. Some of those over the last 17 seem to have been related to the major Baja quake. They have increased in strength from the 3.0 range to upwards of 5.0.
Everyone knows this isn’t unusual, the aftershocks. That swarm of 190 Baja quakes does seem elevated to me, but then I wouldn’t be surprised if even that is typical for major quakes. It’s just that I’ve got a new tool that allows me to track them better.
Kind of a side note...but these big quakes have impacts for years,