“Another possibility is to outlaw The Pill. Its been an unbelievably destructive force in Western society.”
YOU, YOU, BEAST!!!!!!!!! How can you attack women’s rights like that. You animal, you bastard.
Ok, got that out of the way. You have an excellent point...but I don’t see that happening - and abortion will easily cover the need for contraception.
Instead, the West must own up to today’s society. The bottom line is that having kids is no different for a woman than, say, being a lawyer. Either one is a career choice. So, you pay women to have kids, and pay them a LOT of money. Maybe $20k (minimum) for the first kid, and $10k per kid after that. If you have 5 kids, you ‘make’ $60k PER YEAR. Skip the tax deductions and credits and simply pay them. It will send the liberals into orbit, but that’s fine. For countries like Italy, you stipulate that one has to show lineage to 1900 or so, so as to keep the Muzzies from cashing in.
If the West wants ANY chance to survive into the future, they MUST do that. The only other option is the Islamic approach, where you enslave women (even before puberty) to be illiterate wives and baby machines, and nothing more...and I don’t see that happening.
It is our choice...and it is PROVEN that once women have options, enough will chose no kids (or 1 kid), so as to send their society into a DEMOGRAPHIC DEATH SPIRAL. There really is no choice.
Instead, the West must own up to todays society. The bottom line is that having kids is no different for a woman than, say, being a lawyer. Either one is a career choice. So, you pay women to have kids, and pay them a LOT of money. Maybe $20k (minimum) for the first kid, and $10k per kid after that. If you have 5 kids, you make $60k PER YEAR. Skip the tax deductions and credits and simply pay them. It will send the liberals into orbit, but thats fine. For countries like Italy, you stipulate that one has to show lineage to 1900 or so, so as to keep the Muzzies from cashing in. If the West wants ANY chance to survive into the future, they MUST do that. The only other option is the Islamic approach, where you enslave women (even before puberty) to be illiterate wives and baby machines, and nothing more...and I dont see that happening. It is our choice...and it is PROVEN that once women have options, enough will chose no kids (or 1 kid), so as to send their society into a DEMOGRAPHIC DEATH SPIRAL. There really is no choice.
You seem to love your government regulation.
You are describing an expansion of our current welfare state. The kind of woman most interested in a $20K paycheck for having a kid is the kind we most DON'T want having kids. We want the SMART middle-class women to have kids as their career choice instead of being a lawyer, rather than the unintelligent lower-class women who have no other career options.
This is why I favor a big percentage tax credit, which will create the most incentive for upper-income women to become career mommies, with most of their husband's income shielded from taxes.
What created the two-income couple was the high tax rates.