I've searched FR, googled, and wicki-ed, the only thing I can find about removing a president is : ...
I will warn you, though... there are FReepers who have solutions to getting rid of the President -- other than Impeachment/Conviction and/or Elections.
I've read from some FReepers that all that is needed is a judge to issue an arrest warrant for Obama, and order a U.S. Marshal to execute the arrest warrant and we would see Obama being hauled out of the Oval Office in handcuffs on the evening news... doncha know... :-)
Also, another method I've seen FReepers posting about is that the U.S. Military can "oust" Obama simply by surrounding the White House with tanks and demanding that he leave, or they will blow him up and/or the White House and him in it. And so, that was another method suggested here on Free Republic.... :-)
And then, I've even seen other FReepers say that there is no problem removing Obama because he is not even really the President, since he wasn't born here. And since that's true (that he's not President, "really" and since he wasn't born here) -- you don't have to go through those Constitutional provisions -- since he isn't President in the first place. They would just send in an ordinary police officer to arrest him and be done with it, doncha know... LOL ...
Of course, there were those who said the Supreme Court could order a new election, since the last election was a fraud and that Obama wasn't qualified. So, all that is needed (or all that was needed) was for the Supreme Court to order that new national election.
Or a variation on that was that the Supreme Court could simply order him removed since he was never qualified and the next in line would take his place (or some variation of that).
I mean..., if you want to "go nuts" (and there are those who "go nuts" here on Free Republic) -- there are a whole bunch off ways to get rid of Obama and out of the Oval Office... doncha know... LOL ...
Biden’s next in line. Then Pelosi. Just wow.
Help! Help! I’m being repressed!
I don’t see why INS can’t handle this. /s