I believe this bill will be gutted in short order. The SCOTUS is going to get it, and they aren’t going to look on it favorably. Forcing people to buy insurance is a certain no no. I believe there is a chance forcing unfunded mandates on states in this size, will also be problematic.
If either of these is shot down, guess what. They can’t pay for it. Heck, they couldn’t pay for it anyway, but the hole will be way to big for it to fly then. IMO
Sorry about your access to the Y. Swimming can be an excellent way to get a great workout.
“I believe this bill will be gutted in short order. The SCOTUS is going to get it, and they arent going to look on it favorably. Forcing people to buy insurance is a certain no no. I believe there is a chance forcing unfunded mandates on states in this size, will also be problematic.”
Well stated. If the fed can force us to buy healthcare, where does it end? The vast majority HAVE their OWN health insurance. Can they force us to buy auto insurance if we don’t drive?