Yes, that’s an important part of the “sacrifice” thingie.
It’s not like they WANT to conform to the hardship and discipline. They do it because they love their country and family and friends.
And, I will repeat this to you both... NOT EVERYONE IS SUITED TO THE MILITARY!
MENTALLY I could NOT have handled it when I was 18 due to my abusive childhood. I already HAD PTSD - you wouldn’t WANT ME standing beside your Mom, brothers, and sons on the battlefield. And I probably could NOT have passed the psychological testing to ENTER the military at that time as well. Again — not EVERYONE is suited to the military and it is NOT a matter of not knowing what SACRIFICE is, or HONOR, or LOVE FOR COUNTRY, etc... etc...
I greatly respect the men and women who join our military, but if you are insinuating that I am “less than” for not joining, and for not pushing my daughter to join then you can BOTH kiss my ass.
As for your Drill Sergeant PIF — Not when I was 18 he couldn’t have. If I didn’t listen to my 260 lb. 5’10.5” father who HIT ME, and who at 115 lbs. and 5’4” I hit back then there is no man on EARTH who could have broken me at that point — and if they tried??? Did you ever see Full Metal Jacket? Yeah, I would NOT have lasted, and it would have been detrimental to everyone around me as well.