Naw, I figured I'd just let ‘em mail the sash and scepter to me...
So who runs against Kay when her seat is up?
I have been very disappointed by the TARP-Scozzafava Party
Speaking of precinct meetings (or conventions), four of us showed up at ours tonight. Our precinct was entitled to send about 17 delegates (and a bunch of alternates) to the next level convention, so the four of us voted for ourselves and left about 13 slots vacant. And two of the four said they would not attend the next level convention. I went primarily to see if any Paulbots showed up. I’m pretty sure none did.
The Republican Party conventions seem pretty useless. If Paulbots, Truthers, or Birthers took over the entire machinery (including the state convention), I really cannot see how it would matter. They could pass a bunch of pointless resolutions, but nothing else as far as I can see.