I think of how often G-d warned Israel and time and again he rescued them...just as He has done for us in the past...but we were a believing nation then. People honored G-d and kids were taught about Him and what He taught to lead a good life. I just have the sense G-d has had enough and knows it will just be another cry for rescue rather than a turning to Him. He had a time line for Israel and their land was invaded....so to is ours.
Do you even remotely believe our Gov. will do anything to stop the “barbarians” from coming in here any more than Rome could stop them. History seems to so much be repeating itself in our country now. Every country and empire that turned from G-d fell. Should we expect anything more or less.
We have mass killings of the unborn...we allow homosexual practices to flourish and even encourage it to the point they are standing in leadership in our churches and attacking our children...and then we fling this crap in the face of G-d....and we dare ask for mercy on our country? Further we no longer protect our children, rather they are consistantly exposed to things at an early age that their tender eyes should not see let alone burned into their little minds...and we dare ask G-d to help this country?
For those of us who believe, we dare risk it, because if we do not, there is nothing that stands between them and us but darkness.