No doubt there. This is gonna make Haiti seem like a walk in the park.
Economically this could shake the financial foundation of the western world bad enough to push us all into a depression if the results of the Tsunami get very bad.
The quake in Chile was 1000 times more powerful than the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that caused widespread damage in Haiti on Jan 12, ...
It would be one time that folks in the private sector could/would/should turn around and invest back into rebuild efforts. Depression if the governments try to do it. Most of them will be or are already broke.
I am babbling right now like a fool...waiting for the chain call to come in from family that they are aware of what’s happening in their area. I am sure the base has been activated by now and the call will be coming in, in a few hours that his wife and kids are fine and out of harms way.
This is not what I wanted to wake up to this morning.