It appears to me that Beck’s natural constituency is the one world government, CFR, Jewish bankers want to take over the world conspiracy kooks. By their own criteria, no one will ever be acceptable as they are all part of some diabolical plot.
A number of these people defending Beck are not Republicans, in fact they have an intense hatred for Republicans.
>A number of these people defending Beck are not Republicans, in fact they have an intense hatred for Republicans>
and this is the botom line.
Have been saying this right along.
There are posers on any message. But it would be faulty analysis to claim that many rock solid conservatives aren't aghast at what happened to the budget and debt during majority Republican rule between 2001 and 2007. Look up my body of work on this site. My main goal is to take out socialism, root and branch. What Republican by name is proposing that? Instead, all I hear are minor or half-measures, and a lot of Bears vs. Packers, Red Sox vs. Yankees rah rah political BS masquerading as statesmanship. That's why committed anti-socialists are casting around for anything and anybody at the moment. There are two political alternatives. If the Republicans gain power and govern like 2003 Republicans again (as I expect), the country is in a financial plane crash anyway. I've gotten to the point where where I've accepted my fate, and it doesn't matter whether the pilots are blue or red. We're 600 feet off the ground going nose down.