I'll make it 200%.
I laughed, I cried, I wished Reagan was still alive.
Beck rocked. His speech was a spike in the heart of progessives of both parties.
I thought GB’s speech (without teleprompters) was a good summary of all his shows where he enlightens the masses and talks to the common citizens. He’s honest, refreshing, and knows how to teach government and history better than any college professor I ever had.
I wish he could speak at every high school to every student — maybe we could learn from the country’s past mistakes and not try the progressive route over and over, always having to climb out of the pit after each socialist president. These students could grasp all this wisdom at 17, instead of age 35 when they have a career and family.
Who are some of you people who didn’t appreciate Beck’s speech and will belittle a man who’s not afraid to stir up excitement and participation in our country’s future?