Give me a break. Any real non-RINO conservative Republican would have crushed the idiot Marxist Obama like a bug.
I admit that running as VP McCain might have done better, Giuliani would have been a more serious contender were it not for the financial crisis, as might have Romney given what transpired. But what "non-RINO" do you think GWB would have put in a position of succession? I admit any of them would have been better than O.
Obama should have been stopped in IL. He would have won, but had the GOP expended some $$ he might have focused his effort running for the Senate rather than becoming a victorious national icon.
Nope. Not enough voters realized how "conservative" they actually were in November of 2008. You have to remember, Obama sold himself as a moderate, and voters believed him. Now they see that they aren't getting what they voted for, and the election will likely trend back toward the right for 2010 and 2012.
People everywhere were starry-eyed over Obama. No way was a Repub going to win. I'm glad they didn't waste a good candidate, intentional or not.