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To: US Navy Vet
What do mean YET?
I missed him at 12:01 PM EST on January 20, 2009
36 posted on
02/09/2010 8:39:38 AM PST by
(Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. Ronald Reagan)
To: US Navy Vet
It’s like asking a terminal cancer patient if he misses that heartburn he used to have. I don’t miss either, although it wasn’t as bad before.
37 posted on
02/09/2010 8:41:06 AM PST by
(But for Reagan, we would be socialist already. But for the Bushes, we would be rid of socialism.)
To: US Navy Vet
The BDS is strong in this thread
39 posted on
02/09/2010 8:43:57 AM PST by
Michael Barnes
(Call me when the bullets start flying.)
To: US Navy Vet
Hope someone e-mailed it to the white house.
44 posted on
02/09/2010 9:08:46 AM PST by
To: US Navy Vet
I don’t miss many of his policies, but I do miss the statesmanship and dignity he gave to the highest position in the land.
50 posted on
02/09/2010 9:26:57 AM PST by
(The liberals are asking us to give Obama more time. Is 25 to life enough?)
To: US Navy Vet; Pride in the USA; Stillwaters
It's Bush's fault!
51 posted on
02/09/2010 9:28:27 AM PST by
(If Fox News is the only outlet reporting it, did it really happen?)
To: US Navy Vet
Yes, President Bush let down conservatives in some pretty serious ways, but as a totally deserved and funny dig at Obama, I love this billboard. And I DO miss Bush.
To: US Navy Vet
Hell, I kind of miss Bill clinton too.
56 posted on
02/09/2010 9:33:22 AM PST by
(we are so doomed)
To: US Navy Vet
Bob Collins of Minnesota Public Radio ... has been trying to chase down who is behind it.
“Chase down”?
To: US Navy Vet
105 posted on
02/09/2010 10:52:43 AM PST by
To: US Navy Vet
I don’t miss Bush. He screwed up so badly that he enabled the election of “Anyone but GOP” 0bama.
And now look at what Zer0 is doing to the country.
You know who I miss? So hard my heart aches? Reagan.
124 posted on
02/09/2010 12:58:51 PM PST by
(Never give up, never surrender! REMEMBER NEDA)
To: US Navy Vet
I’m not surprised National Gay Radio would have a conniption fit about this!
145 posted on
02/09/2010 3:20:48 PM PST by
To: US Navy Vet
Miss me yet?????
Yeah. About as much as a cancerous testicle.A-hole handed over the reigns of our Cconstituttional Republic to this commie dunce without remorse, but with extreme joy. . . expecting miracles from the new mantle holder just like the rest of the traitors.
Obama is going to fail. And so is their best laid plans to destroy our Republic.
Miss him? Not really worthy of comment. The quicker he is forgotten the better.
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