If they don't like the lack of privacy, then maybe they should go work for a living instead.
We will have corruption until the day comes when I know their finances better than I know my own.
The day elected officials begin their term, they should begin to be assigned the same number of years in prison as their term of service. So if defeated they serve that time when they leave office, in the worst stinking hell hole of a prison. Now stay with me here....
Upon their retirement the people vote how much prison time they should serve. If you have served your constituants well, they vote you no time to be served... If you serve like every other politician you serve all those years in prison. It is a consequence of running for office. They know going in that that is the deal. That way their is a consequence for serving not just leaving your seat and getting a sweet lobbying job with the very company you got millions in contracts for.
“To tell the truth, I think that one of the “prices” one should pay for being an elected official ought to be a lack of privacy....”
for 2 years of public service...their schedules and bank accounts and investments should be on-line for the eyes of their constituents. Modern technology renders it possible...and would discourage a career in “public service” ...and would effectively “term limit” representatives.