Also, you might be interested in the fact that right around the Dubai Ports deal, Dubai ALSO aquired maintenance facilities and contracts in the US for the US airline industry. Even the little one at Meena. Do Meena, Arkansas ring yet another bell? BCCI?
Dubai also had begun a space industry about ten years ago. They have invested billions into it Funny how bam is seeking to shut our space program down.
Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology signs MoU with Russian Space Agency
United Arab Emirates: Tuesday, September 11 - 2007 at 17:00
PRESS RELEASE.The Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST), a Dubai government organization, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Russian Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS) as it gears up to launch DubaiSat-1, a project that initiates its space program.
Probably should have posted this stuff on TM.
TY lil one!