You're also acting rather silly, for no good reason.
No, just proving a point, Will. I am not pro-amnesty, in any way. Just pointing out that one of the icons of conservative Republicanism was a pragmatist...even though, in my opinion, wrong.
And for RR, I would walk the plank.
I have stated here, and on other threads, that purism will allow us to eat our own and defeat our purposes.
Does Scott Brown reflect everything you believe? Does Sarah Palin? Does Duncan Hunter? Does Ron Paul? And do you go along with everything your chosen one espouses? And who does? Politics, is, of necessity, pragmatic. Read about the Founding Fathers.
You sure are going off on a lot of pointless tangents rather just answering a simple question. Waste of your time and mine.
Just one more reason I'm glad Ted Kennedy has been replaced by Brown.
"A living dog is better than a dead lion."