I am of the opinion they cannot.
What I see in this thread is what I normally see and have come to expect from liberals and other socialist, which is primarily, accusations without substantiation.
When I was younger, much younger, I believed the John Birch Society was un-American in its scope and purpose. I cannot recall what influence caused that belief and I was at that age than many young Americans are at now too busy to care.
A few years ago, I came across a short video that impressed me as an accurate view of America and its Constitution. I now have grown children and eight grandchildren. I feel one day the grandchildren would wonder why their grandfather left the country in the mess they now had to deal with. I am at the age now were I do care and sorry I didnt begin to care much earlier in life.
The video was presented as a Ten Minute History Lesson and titled The American Form of Government. In those ten minutes, I saw a very concise and accurate description of the Constitutions vision for America. I say concise because it was easy to understand in its brevity and accurate because it agreed with my knowledge of the Constitution.
View the video and let me know if you disagree with its assessment. Much later I was surprised to discover the video was provided by the John Birch Society, which motives were suspect to me.
Thank you for posting the link to the 10 minute history lesson. It refreshed me about our form of government. It has been so many years since I was taught those things. I sent the link to a lot of people on my e-mail list.