We can also that that fat RINO POS Newt Gingrich for NY-23.
“We can also that that fat RINO POS Newt Gingrich for NY-23.”
Perhpas, but what did we get when Newt was pushed out of the speakership and congress? Pubbbies abandoned the Contract with America that helped bring about the ‘balanced budget’ (the only congerss to ever have done this was the Gingrich congress) and started spending hand over fist on whatever suited them (Medicare part D anyone?)and cared more about playing with Dims than what is good for average folk. So, they kicked out Newt and started acting like RINOS... by what you say he should have been king of RINOS so why push him out and flush his agenda?
There is a difference between pragmatics and dogma. The problem with Obama and his ilk is that they do not know the difference. I hope that for the sake of the country that conservatives understand it. They apparently are having problems with it since the outcome in NY 23 isn’t any better.