They are leaking this stuff to the NY Times so they can try to get ahead of the tsunami coming their way. Surf's up, Obama.
Let’s not forget the way the left acted regarding Katrina..
Yemen minister: We have 300 al Qaeda militants planning attacks...
This is the Iranians. It’s so easy for these dirtbags to fire up the terrorist base and sit back and watch them work. Everything happens for a reason when it comes to ME aggression towards the west. These are foot soldiers for regimes such as the terror regime in Tehran. They are trying to intimidate the US into backing down on the end of year nuke deadline. Lets see, in the last month Tehran instigated the takeover of a an Iraqi oil well and accidently lost track of one of Bin Laden’s daughters. Now the shaman in Yemen which coincidentally is in the middle of an Iranian instigated Shia uprising, is contacting all his sleeper buddies with the go sign.
We showed no survival instinct with respect to our ovespending so why should we expect to dodge the coming nuclear bullet.
Bump for later reading
Maybe he should offer GWB a job in this White House to teach him how a real President does the job of keeping America safe?
So 0bamateur can run the country using training wheels until he grows up.
BTW - I wonder how long his high minded idealism will last regarding waterbaording if the Muslim Assassins have a SECOND successful strike but the bomb detonates and kills hundreds?
You can’t be PC and defend this nation. The only way to effective protect this country is to deal with the world as it is rather than the PC fantasy world.
The names on this failure aren’t Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, or even good ole Brownie. They are Napolitano, Axlerod, Emanuel, Holder, and most of all, Obama.
The 3 day late response by beach-bum Obama has given added momentum to a story that probably would have stood on its own, but now it seems clear that Napolitano is going to have to go under the Obamamobile. She might have dodged the bullet this time had it not been for her asinine comment about how “the system worked”. She may as well have said “Mission Accomplished”....
I don’t think they can spin this one. Blood sacrifice will be needed.
How come he is just learning things we have been hearing a bazillion times, since the gitgo?
All he needed to do was turn on a tv or radio. Are they aliens..him and his family? What kid doesnt turn on a tv or radio? What adult doesnt hear, watch or surf for at least some news each day?
This man needs to crawl out from under his rock and get with the program.
I think its all BS excuses anyway. We didnt even hear from him for days.
Obama is a shill, a dumbass, idealistic fool.
No racism here, just plain old scorn and disdain.
“No way to blame this on Bush-Cheney-Halliburton.”
Ha! That is where you are wrong. The zero has already blamed Bush.
wowww... the US Air Force has golf carts???.. they never gave me one to use while I was in !
Bad news, the terrorists smell blood big time because of this creep in the WH.
An oxymoron.
New Obama sitcom: “Flight 253, where are you?” Starring goofy feds and those madcap bombers. They’re a laugh a minute.
Given the fact that the CIA had him and the FBI might have had him I wonder what the admin really thought. This administration is playing Carter and will be treated as Carter.
Al Qaeda took care of that one.