You mean THIS one?
Nah, you not only got the wrong religion, but even the wrong sex. Her name is Hilary Weeks and the song is “El Shaddai.”
Nah, you not only got the wrong religion, but even the wrong sex. Her name is Hilary Weeks and the song is “El Shaddai.” When Amy Grant sang it, then it became okay to listen to the song, but not if a Mormon was singing it. I still find that type of bigotry rather amusing, amusing but sad.
The author of the song, Michael Card, has a web site and a discussion board on it ( ) and one of the posters said this:
“I am not offended. I would worship with Mormons, too. I’ve prayed with one or two.
How are you going to lead them to Christ if you start out by insulting them? The way of the Lord is gentle, not breaking a bruised reed.”