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To: DoughtyOne
Could you please link me to where I defined Conservative.

Your response to JillValentine rather strongly suggested that you definition of conservative would be pretty much everything that she disagreed with about what this site has become. I could be wrong, but judging from what this site has devolved to I somehow doubt it.

86 posted on 12/20/2009 8:57:39 AM PST by Dementon (You're unique! Just like everyone else!)
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To: Dementon; JillValentine
Okay, then lets look at what JillValentine stated.

Right out of the box, Jill keyed on a statement by RedStateConfidential.  For her, this was the straw that broke the camel's back.  What Jill didn't seem to understand, was that there was a 75% or better chance that RedStateConfidential read my post, thought it was too misogynistic, and was roasting me for what they percieved my mindset to be.

Here's the comment, "Maybe the Arabs are right about women after all..."  I didn't read that as a resounding endorsement of my comments.  I disagreed with it.  I made a response that made it clear I didn't think it accurate, without calling RedStateConfidential names.  I stated something to the effect that I found it interesting that the Left doesn't criticize the way women are treated in the Middle East.  I said it that way, because I didn't agree with the comment, but I wasn't sure how it was meant.  If it was supportive of me, I didn't agree with the premise.  If it was a slam at me, I didn't agree with the premise.  It wouldn't have applied in light of what my goals and tactics had actually been.

That did it.  Well, I'm not convinced it should have.  Someone abviously jumped to a conclusion here, and I am not sure RedStateConfidential didn't agree with Jill Valentine.  This may have been a misunderstanding.  I didn't agree with the comments, so Jill should have taken some comfort in that too.

Rampant woman-bashing, with women being blamed for everything from abortion (which was legalized by five male Supreme Court justices) to 9/11.  Who was being blamed for abortion in my post?  Women?  Folks, please read the commentary in post 78, that addresses a post I made that people took exception to.  Those who pushed for women to have the right to abort on demand, Leftists, judges, and politicans were blamed.  Women WERE NOT blamed.  People miscontrued the meaning of my post, and I've made that perfectly clear.  As for women being blamed for 09/11, what the hell?  Where has that been claimed, or is this just a toss out comment expressing frustration?  I don't agree with it.  I also don't agree that all women are to be blamed for abortion.  That wasn't my premise at all.

Vicious bigotry against Hispanics, with ignorant asswipes unable (or unwilling) to tell the difference between ILLEGAL ALIEN and U.S. CITIZEN WHO HAPPENS TO BE HISPANIC.  There aren't many people on this forum more anit-ILLEGAL immigrant than I.  I do however take exception to people lumping in all Hispanics with illegals.  I address it when I see it.  I have not seen vicious bigotry against Hispanics here.  I'm married to one.  My son is married to one.  My brother is married to one.  I would be the first guy to complain if I saw vicious bigotry, and I would ask Jim to remove it if I saw it.  I do not approve of racism and I don't want those views left on the forum to tarnish it's reputation.  It would seem to me that JillValentine could have adopted that same policy.  I know that Jim will not let racist remarks remain on the forum, if his attention is called to them.

Calling every sensible, mainstream Republican from Palin to Reagan a RINO and flaming anyone who doesn't support kooks like Tom Tancredo, Alex Jones, and Chuck Baldwin.  While there has been a bit of a flame war here over the last few days concerning something Palin said, the fact is it was objectionable.  Are people supposed to put a muzzle on it depending who says something?  No.  If they object to something, then folks should say so.  Since when do people call Reagan a RINO here?  People who criticize Ronald Reagan here have a longevity in these parts less than the half-life of a fruit fly.  Acting as if Reagan were trashed here as a normal course of business is not rational.  Acting as if Palin had been treated terribly here as a normal course of business also leaves the relm of rationality.  Many of the same folks who took objection to her comments over the last few days, are people who have supported her and continue to support her.  Very few have jumped off the Palin band wagon in perpetuity.  Folks have addressed that as a bad idea.  I have intimated as much, so that people could rethink their mindset.  Folks, the open discussion of issues and people pertaining to Conservative leadership, is precisely what this forum is all about.  Who thought a comment we disagreed with, wouldn't be addressed?  That's no reason to pack your bags and run off.

A stifling atmosphere of populist anti-intellectualism and knee-jerk hatred of science, with posters proudly wallowing in their ignorance and attacking anyone who has an actual education from an accredited university. Gore-bull warming is not BS because it's science, it's BS because it ISN'T science. Science is not the enemy.  The problem with this glowing defense of Science, is that we had to listen to crickets for years instead of loud oppostion to leftists, while the leftist scientists blew out the global warming issue to mammoth proportions.  Only in the last year or so, and very slowly at first, did scientists emerge who were willing to object to a propaganda onslaught that has seldom been eclipsed if ever, in the history of mankind.  Where were the sound scientists while Al Gore's movie was being shown in theaters and cable channels for years on end?  Yeah, I'm one of the people who takes scientists to task.  Frankly I'm quite angry about the lack of objectivity.  It was missing in action for decades.  If you want to call that knee-jerk, have at it.

Acting as if this is a manifestation of anti-intellectualism and a hatred of science is just plane whackey.  It was a manifestestion of people being righteously indignant, that they were left to twist in the wind while leftists operated in a vacuum, nobody of credential standing up and saying, "I object."  LMAO, if it weren't for the common "non-intellectuals" out here pushing back against the global warming lunatics, there wouldn't have been anyone doing it.  And of course, now they're the bad guy.  Hogwash!

Rabid attacks on anyone who recognizes the basic truth of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the baiting and banning of posters who support said theory, and now the same crap against anyone who simply believes that the earth is billions of years old.  What this person wants us to do, is gobble up every edict from the pulpet of the church of science. (note, not capitalized)  Most of us believe in evolution.  What we don't buy is that the human race started as an omeba and progressed through apes to become modern man.  We rightly recognize that the belief man evolved from apes, takes as much faith as Christians express by belief in God.  The "scientists" I've seen address this issue, get angry when I say this.  I don't see that as a scientific reaction.  It certainly isn't based on reality.

This is a core belief of Conservatism.  Our rights are granted by our Creator.  If our Creator, does not exist, then the foundation for our rights has vaporized.

As for the age of the earth, I look on the claim that it is 4.5 billion years old and realize that will probably be redrawn in upcoming decades.  I don't pretend to have all the answers.  I do try to have a healthy dose of skepticism, when the same scientific community that once thougth the earth was the center of the universe, now tries to tell me what they think they know today is definately the gospel truth.  No, it is merely the most recent common theory.

Glorifying idiots who stoop to tactics normally used by the Far Left, such as Ben Stein and his Michael Moore-like propaganda movie, the jerkoffs in the Schiavo case who sent their ten-year-old kid to be arrested, and the pro-death extremists who bomb abortion clinics and shoot doctors.  I've seen a decent portion of the Ben Stein movie.  The comparison of him to Michael Moore speaks volumes.  I urge people to view it.  They can decide for themselves.  There are some chilling moments in that movie.  I think it hits too close to home for some folks, who don't have the intellectual honesty to face some of the things he presents.  Trashing him neutralizes their compunction to actually think and ask themselves questions.  As for the so-called 'jerk-offs', the kid was there with his parents seeking to prevent Schiavo from being unplugged.  That this could be addressed, just moments before lumping them in with people who blow up clinics and shoot doctors, is truly sad.  Is that supposed to be evidence of a scientific mind?

I don't support clinics being blown up.  I don't support physicians being shot.  I have seen some people act is if these were not problems, but I objected strenuously when I saw it.  If I see someone advocate illegal activity, I report it to the forum owner.  This is a law and order forum.  There's nothing to stop JillValentine from doing the same thing.

Militant rants against homosexuals that go far beyond a healthy skepticism of the liberal gay agenda and into true bigotry and hatred, with routine calls for pogroms against gay people.  Why is it that I don't run into the "routine calls for pogroms"?  Why is it I don't run into the true bigotry and hatred?  I hate to slap this subject matter back to reality, but homoesexuality is viewed by Christians to be morally wrong.  Despite that fact, folks generally address the activist homosexual agenda on point.  I do believe people get worked up and make intemprate comments at times.  If it goes too far, I try to address it.  If it goes way too far, I notify a mod.

A growing tolerance for increasingly vile anti-Semitism and 9/11 Troofery.  This is a bald-face lie.  Jim considers this a Christian site.  We have a common bond with Jews, in that Jesus Christ was one.  I will go for the proverbial throat of anyone who attacks Jews on this site.  I seldom have to do it.  Israel is defended here constantly.  If there is a policy issue, I stand squarely behind what I think is best for Israel, even if it's leaders disagree.  I think Israel gives up too much in the interest of peace, when the Palestinians give up nothing for peace.  The Palestinians are resoundingly trashed here, for their constant drive to destroy Israel.  We pan the idea of nationhood for the Palestinians because they are not intent on living in peace with Israel.  Anti-Semitism?  Bull s--t!

09/11 Troofery?  Just how much of that have I run into here?  Well, I can't remember the last time I saw someone try to back that.  I disagreed on point.  It was at least a year ago.

Screeds against capitalism and free trade from idiots who don't know enough economics to run a lemonade stand.  People say things because they haven't thought them out.  It's up to folks who coinsider themselves to be a cut-above, to set them straight.  That's what a person with leadership skills does.  They stand up to incorrect assumptions and speak truth.  They don't toss their duds in a suitcase and go marching off the forum in a huff, slamming the door behind them.

People putting their own personal, petty causes ahead of supporting our troops.  This is such bull excrement.  Participants on this forum don't support our troops?  Wow, how could this person be here so long, and have missed what this forum actually is.  Some of this is astounding.

Religious bigotry from the Talibornagain against Catholics, Jews, atheists, agnostics, moderate Protestants, and especially Mormons.  So people who are born again, are now referred to as "Talibornagain".  Now there's evidence of a Christian.  We can stop right there with the idea this person should be judging others.

The banning of an ever-growing number of thoughtful, intelligent posters who have been here for years, and their replacement with a bunch of drone-like, unthinking n00bs who love Lyin' for the Lord (TM).  I swear, if this isn't a DemocratUnderground screed, it sure would run a close second.  This is really beneath the demeaner a Conservative would find acceptable.  The absolute generalizations are nutz.

Simple policy debates and even prayer requests turning into circular firing squads - and creationist BS threads started by GodGunsGuts (AKA GotsNoGuts) turning into circle jerks when he calls his stupid little ping list over because he's not enough of a man to take a stand on his own.  It's a common practice for people of a same mind to ping folks to threads they know they will be interested in.  That's hardly evidence of evil.  As for spats, yes they pop up just about anywhere.  That is the human condition.  Go anywhere you like on the internet, and you'll see folks pop off at each other.  The adults try to calm things down.  People that can reason, will do it.  Others, and we'll always have them with us no matter where we are, won't.  So what.  The next forum you run off to, will have people doing the same thing.

To my FReeper friends, it's been fun. To the others...I will no longer take orders from inmates who have been handed control of the asylum. Mr. Robinson, please close my account.

Honest to goodness, this commentary causes me more sadness than you leaving.  If this is all you saw this forum to be, you should have left long ago.  Why would you remain here as long as you did?  I'm sorry for your pain.

93 posted on 12/20/2009 11:58:06 AM PST by DoughtyOne (Merry Christmans to all... and to all a good night! (remember the reason for the season))
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