Yep. case in point. The member of the Dover School who made a solemn deposition that he had no idea where the money to buy the cdesign proponentist book Pandas Thumb came from.
When it was discovered that it came from his personal cheque account, his excuse was that he misspoke because he was hepped up on goofballs.
You may choose to believe him
Let’s suppose for a moment that an individual Creationist or an IDer did lie, should that invalidate the argument from Creation/ID? If so, does this same standard apply to evolution with respect to all the liars and frauds that have plagued the evo-camp all these years?
Unlike evos who are liars who perpetrate frauds in order to bolster their sagging theory, I suppose.
Wow... this is the perfect example of the type of misdirection and obfuscation that’s perpetrated by evo’s on a regular basis.
By the way... I don’t know where the Panda’s thumb came from but, judging from the collective intelligence of the evo-atheist crowd I can guess where the Panda’s thumb has been (was that harsh?)
(disclaimer: this is in no way an attack on a particular individual or any named or un-named freeper that is or has ever been on the freerepublic website. I’m speaking in general about the evo crowd with the exception of a few (and you know who you are) fair-minded evos with whom I happen to disagree but that are perfectly reasonable human beings in every other respect but that have unfortunately been brainwashed by public education and the Discovery Channel and every other piece of evolutionist propaganda the evo’s can throw their way)
Good day sir. I SAID, GOOD DAY!!!