Our family, with three kids, were literally $200 over the yearly income limit to qualify for assistance of any kind. This went on for years.
What happens is that the local hospitals and med centers apply sliding-scale fees based on need. This worked out great and although we had no health *insurance* for years (I had medicare through disability, though) the kids got all the care they required including fixing broken arms from sports, etc.
NO ONE is denied health *care* in this country. And based on experience I believe that everybody, even those who don't have insurance, are dealt with fairly and effectively.
Making the system more economically efficient ONE STEP AT A TIME is definitely in order. But not a destruction of the best health care in the world and a recreation of the failed socialist health care programs responsible for the death and under-treatment of hundreds of millions worldwide.
The Word [Robert Costa]
Just spoke with two GOP House members about what the mood is in the GOP caucus about the Stupak amendment. Both acknowledged a small internal divide there is worry among some that a 'yes' on Stupak is a 'yes' for moving PelosiCare forward. However, they said that most GOP members will support the Stupak amendment in order to give it a strong backing from a bipartisan pro-life bloc as it heads to conference, should it pass.