Hannity is a motor mouth. I wish someone would figure the average amount of time his callers get to talk before he starts talking over them then goes to the next caller. I can’t stand to listen to him. And with nose up Newt’s butt...that makes it even worse. Talk about elitism.
I agree! Hannity is awful with his silly repetion of “You’re a great American” and his freedom tours (or whatever he calls them). He is like most politicians and pundits - only in it for the money, the fame, and the power. I think he just listens to Rush and Beck and then parrots some of their lines on his own show.
When I heard Newt’s voice on the radio today, I immediately switched to something else. Newt’s name ought to be spelled W-E-A-S-E-L.
And I agree with you Mross - I don’t like politicians, either. They all get elected based on fear mongering and promising things they know they cannot deliver, and then do nothing but enrich themselves once elected. Why we continue to believe any of them is beyond me.