He is a sick sick man and the more he says the more I hate the dirtbag.
One of the problems with underage sexual encounters is that the adult in the situation is in a position of power and authority over the other person because the younger one hasn’t gained autonomy yet. It is the pure exp0loitation of another person by someone using their age and power as a leveraging tool. Ie. not a level playing field. This is yet another reason it is WRONG WRONG WRONG. It is RAPE pure and simple. And it is even more wrong than Rape between two adults because a powerless minor is involved.
They should lock him into jail and throw away the key.
Roman’s theme song!
You know, not for nothing, but if you're over 40, a 23 yr old is plenty young enough, if you can get one. At 23, they are definitely autonomous. Still very young and fresh, and totally legal. What's wrong with just nailing a 23 yr old???
I think it's a level of hubris that could possibly be satanic in its origin. I think these big shots get to feeling like they are supreme, that they are untouchable, that they can do whatever sick thing they want. I really feel like the Devil is at work in stuff like the Polanski case. He should be begging God for mercy.