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Jane Bürgermeister, Whistleblower Extraordinaire (Vaccine causes Infertility)
Blog Critics Magazine ^ | September 28th, 2009 | Jenny Hatch

Posted on 09/30/2009 9:08:15 AM PDT by Jenny Hatch

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New York health care workers protest Swine flu vaccine mandate

I'm pleased to report that I have become a writer at Blog Critics Magazine.

My first article is found here.

Jane Burgermeister - Whistleblower Extraordinaire

For the past few months I had been hearing through the alternative healing grapevine that a Medical Reporter in Austria had filed criminal charges against Swine Flu Vaccine Manufacturers. Curious but skeptical, I have quietly followed the story on the internet for the past few months.

From Janes Web Site:

"I have filed criminal charges in Austria against Baxter and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology for producing and distributing contaminated bird flu vaccine material this winter, alleging that this was a deliberate act to cause a pandemic, and also to profit from that pandemic."

A few months after learning about her, I read an article at Natural News where it was claimed that she also had the World Health Organization and the United Nations in her sightlines. Amazing!!!

"As the anticipated July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic."

Who was this woman?

I'm ashamed now to admit that I did not believe it at first. It was just too much to accept. A worldwide conspiracy to gin up a pandemic and then poison people with the vaccine? To depopulate the world? To make people intentionally sick?

Yes as I thought it all out, and then watched Jane herself on You Tube a few nights ago, I had to admit that it fit all of the various bits and pieces of research I had conducted for myself over the past twenty years. I also appreciated her confidence, clarity, and spirit as she was interviewed. My final confirmation that she was speaking truth to power came when she explained how she had been fired from her job and personally attacked in a most vicious manner. If she was a nothing, no one would have bothered to attack her.

Difficult Choices

We made the emotionally wrenching and difficult choice not to vaccinate our five children when they were little. I was a vaccine damaged child, suffering from lifelong asthma and deadly allergies. I guess something deep in my own heart was telling me not to vaccinate the children despite intense pressure from family members to do so back in the early 90's.

The research that I have conducted over the past five years has vallidated all of my instincts as I considered that the very years when my children would have been getting the shots were the worst in terms of how much thimerisol was in the vaccines. Drug manufacturers have claimed that all mercury is now out of the vaccines, but the flu vaccine still has toxic levels of mercury in it as a preservative.

I'm glad we did not poison our children with those chemicals. But I had to wonder about these claims of depopulation and intent to cause a pandemic. Was it possible that these were the end game goals of the drug makers?

United Nations Population Goals

Everyone watching the world scene understands that we have some elites who believe population control is a priority one goal for the new millenium. Members of the Obama Administration have made it clear through past writings that they do not apologize or hide from these goals. They certainly have not disavowed those beliefs, and some of us believe they are working overtime to control population in the future through government healthcare mandates.

I believe it is only a matter of time before parents in America and the world at large are told how many children they can give birth to. And if it is true that the rush to American health care reform is an attempt to push through legislation that would give elites the green light to move ahead with these goals, is it so hard to accept that the money mongers at the Big Pharma companies would come up with a plan to not only skim the taxpayers by pushing vaccines, but also stand waiting in the wings for those who are "vaccine damaged" to come to them for help with the many side effects from the vaccine itself?

It is certainly true that they have written into the health care pandemic rules that no company can be sued for damages, and I read the other day that the UK quietly and quickly wrote a law that says if you refuse the vaccine, health care workers have the green light to use it as evidence of being clinically insane, with coercive powers to hospitalize in mental hospitals and then force medications and vaccines on said patients. Refusal of drugs equals insanity? Maybe some psychiatrists like the idea of being able to use refusal of drugs as a "symptom" of insanity, but for normal people, this smacks of big brother bullying and monopolistic control of the marketplace to force consumers to use one form of so called healing over another...

How much money?

When I think about the amount of money I have personally spent on allergy medication, asthma medication, the many runs to the ER for help with breathing and anaphalaxis that resulted from ingesting a pathogen that triggered an immune response, the cortisone creams and skin care that I needed for horrifying skin outbreaks and rashes, thousands and thousands of dollars out of pocket and from insurance... it is just mind boggling to consider that a few MMR shots could trigger and explode that sort of lifelong immune reaction in my body.

And when I think of the time, energy, and money spent reading and researching to learn how to heal myself naturally.. also in the tens of thousands of dollars, almost all out of pocket (as my insurance did not cover most of those expenses).... then, yeah, I can accept a big, fat, noxious medical conspiracy.

In a few weeks we will all get to witness if whistleblower Jane was spot on in her analysis of the short and long term goals of the medical elites over We the People of the world. As for me? I'm not getting the shot...


Here is some more information about the fertility side of the whole swine flu vaccine scam:

OK. Now for the tough stuff

The article below details the horrific reality that I wish were not true. The Natural Solutions Foundation has been saying for quite some time that we see clear evidence of a genocidal intention in the overblown, clearly intentional Swine Flu “Pandemic”.

When WHO moved the “Pandemic” from Level 4 to Level 5 the disease was so mild and inconsequential that they literally had to change the definition of a Pandemic at Level 5, leaving out the words “with the ability to cause serious illness and death” from the definition because it did not and could not.

We believe that this must have been a great disappointment to the folks at the WHO who have been both predicting and involved with genetically engineering one failed pandemic after another. But WHO, you will remember, believes in a “sustainable planet” and that sustainability (favor them, not us, of course) means that they believe, too, that 90% of the world’s population needs to die.


They do not much care how we die as long as we do it on demand and they manage to squeeze out a good dollop of profit as we do so.

Some of us, however, will die because we are never born. That, too, is part of the genocidal plan. You may recall that we reported some time back that we had seen official WHO documents from 1985 stating that the real purpose of the current vaccination program taking place in Africa at that time was not disease control (they know perfectly well that vaccines are hokum, without a shred of valid scientific evidence behind them) or prevention, but the dissemination of materials which cause infertility in the women into whom it is injected.

At that time, they were using vaccines with strong response patterns laced with Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG), a reproductive hormone (a glycoprotein, by the way – that figures into this true horror story a little later on). When you train the immune system through injecting it with adjuvants to “break tolerance” or attack the molecules as “not me” that it normally recognizes as “me”, if you prime it properly, you can create an immune intolerance to the hormones or other molecules of your own body.

In this case, and the same system has been used against untold millions (billions?) of women in many third world countries all over the world, the body attacks every molecule of HCG it encounters after that.

The problem is that without HCG, the uterus cannot retain the embryo, or the fetus and it will expel the future baby if she were pregnant at the time of the injection. If she were not pregnant, she will never again become a mother. Her body now destroys the very hormone without which she cannot sustain a pregnancy.

This damage is irreversible.

But not universal. Apparently, that is the problem: there are still a few people whose immune response is not sufficient to destroy all of their fertility. So now we move, in the march of mad science, propelled by forces of such deep inhumanity that it is difficulty to confront them with clear, calm eyes, to another infertility system.

In 1998 a Patent Application was made for a system which uses a person’s own immune system to render them permanently infertile, sterile, unable to have children.

The system is irreversible, once injected.

Knowing that:

- Both Novartis and GSK vaccines “against” the trivial Swine Flu both contain 1 million times more squalene than the devastatingly dangerous Vaccine A which crippled and killed so many Gulf War I military personnel (See Squalene: Be Very Afraid Part I )

- Even a few molecules of squalene injected into the body causes it to “break tolerance” and attack the body’s own molecules to which it is now trained for attack, including the body’s own squalene, a vital component of the Central Nervous System (which accounts for the profound and cataclysmic neurological symptoms of squalene injection)

- The WHO, UN and US governments agree on the “need” to reduce population to only 10% of its current levels

- When the WHO declared a Level 6 Pandemic on June 11, offical control of the political and health functions of all 194 countries in the WHO passed to that body, per an agreement signed in 2005 which took effect in 2007

- The haste with which this Level 6 Pandemic was declared makes it clear that the agenda was agreed to whether or not the genetically engineered virus did its job

- FDA/CDC has said that the $1/2 billion stock pile of injectable squalene adjuvant which the US Government admitted it was stock piling will be used to add the squalene to the bodies of people receiving the vaccines which do NOT have adjuvants in them at the time of injection

- The patents for a glycoprotein-containing, squalene adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine were filed in 2007 and 2008 by Novartis, Baxter International and GSK despite the fact that the virus did not yet officially exist, there had never been approval of a squalene adjuvanted vaccine and use of squalene in mass vaccines was illegal through the permanent restraining order of Judge Emmett Sullivan and through the fact that squalene was forbidden to even be tested in the US.

The investment of billions of dollars into the development of these vaccines for a virus that did not yet exist, using substances which had never been approved for use in vaccines by 3 separate companies, allegedly competitors in the vaccine industry, is worthy of note all by itself

- The most vulnerable members of society, children and pregnant women, will be vaccinated first.

Now you know what the game is. Since the goal is infertility, what better target population could you choose?

With one fell swoop of a needle, a whole generation of “useless eaters” is wiped off the map – the next one while this one is too sick to make much trouble and you clean up like the bandit that you are, if, of course, you are Big Pharma and the global genocidalists!

So now we have mandates for “Influenza vaccines” which are designed to roll the “Swine Flu” up under them. Understand clearly that although your State may offer you exemptions for philosophical, religious or medical reasons, there is every liklihood that there will be NO pandemic vaccination exemptions. The way the federal and state regulations are reading right now, that is the situation.

The confusers really do want you to feel:

- All vaccinations will be voluntary for the pandemic flu. This is true if by voluntary you really mean “under duress and pain of incarceration, fine and imprisonment.”

- Conventional exemptions will hold for the pandemic flu. This is not true. The pandemic vaccine is governed by separate regulations and laws which do not allow for exemptions.

- Parents will be given the choice of whether to vaccinate their children and themselves or not. This is utterly false unless we take back our freedom to make these decisions for ourselves and our children. Experimental medical procedures are never carried out on the most vulnerable and defenseless first, not until now, that is.

As an aside, do you suppose that President Obama’s children will get the same vaccine that yours and mine will? How would we know?

How about the President himself, who bravely agreed to wait until near the bottom of the list.

How courageous and public spirited. I will be happy to join him below the bottom of the list and, if all of us have any sense at all, we will all do so by making it abundantly clear to our legislators that this WILL not happen.

That is the purpose of the action item.

So far more than 2,222,940 of your emails have reached the legislative and decision making desks of this country.

These people need to hear that the deception is broken, like immune tolerance when adjuvants are injected.

We want the right to determine what happens to our bodies. We will not be sickened and die for the depopulationists. We will not be made infertile for the neo-aristocrats. We will not be brought into slavery through a diabolical brew in a syringe of illness, infertility and death..

Now, please read the following article and share it widely while you take the time and effort to mobilize every single person you can reach to help mobilize the groundswell to make it impossible for the vaccine effort to go forward as intended.

Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director

Vaccine Damnation: Retired Vaccine Researcher Speaks Out on Vaccine Dangers

“The Greatest Crime in the History of Humanity”: President Obama Named as a Defendant

Austrian Journalist Files Charges Against WHO, U.N. and Several Highest Ranking Government and Corporate Officials for Bioterrorism and Attempts to Commit Mass Murder

My Comment replys from the Blog Critics Magazine Web Site:


You said: "I'm curious to see your source for the British insanity gobbledigook."

I found the story here: Swine flu prompts changes to Mental Health Act

Here is the text from the article:

"The government plans to rush through measures allowing people with suspected mental health issues to be quickly detained because of fears over staff shortages in any forthcoming swine flu outbreak, it has been revealed.

The temporary changes to the Mental Health Act, as laid out in an unusually short consultation lasting just one month, would mean it would only take one doctor, rather than two, to have a person sectioned and put on medication without their consent.

The measures could have a serious effect on the thousands of patients with psychiatric issues who currently live outside state care, meaning many could be detained against their will on the word of just one health professional.

With very little information on the proposed changes published, many mental health experts have warned the government that they risk side-lining an already vulnerable community and have called on it to spell-out the full raft of changes proposed in the consultation."

And the text from Janes site where I found the link:

"The change in the law opens the door to allowing people who refuse the “swine flu” vaccine to be declared paranoid and summarily sectioned (and thus forcibly drugged) under government guidelines."

The new law "Opens the door" to a change in the mental health situation which could easily be manipulated by those planning to force the vaccine.

As for the "conspiracy", the difference between Jane and the other whistleblowers is that she has taken it upon herself to fight these monsters in the courts.

I'm pleased to report that despite lifelong health challenges, I am doing much better. I only use my inhaler a couple times a year, and use alternative healing for almost all that distresses my immune system. Liver Cleansing has been a particularly powerful activity these past thirteen years!

Have a great day!


1 posted on 09/30/2009 9:08:15 AM PDT by Jenny Hatch
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To: Jenny Hatch

I bet the zero population/depopulate the earth folk think this is great.

2 posted on 09/30/2009 9:09:16 AM PDT by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi ... Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard)
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To: blackd77

ping...more info...

3 posted on 09/30/2009 9:12:56 AM PDT by goodnesswins (Democrat party has always been the party of slavery, sedition, subversion, socialism and surrender)
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To: Jenny Hatch; LucyT; Jeff Head; null and void; rabscuttle385


4 posted on 09/30/2009 9:13:57 AM PDT by stockpirate ("I came NOT to bring peace but a sword." - Jesus Christ)
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To: Jenny Hatch

It’s the perfect plan, kill kids by forcing them to take it and make it impossible for adults to have children...evil and genius.

It seems like they’ve switched their focus from chemtrails to the flu vaccine.

It’s alway much more effective if you can inject the poison directly into the subject.

5 posted on 09/30/2009 9:17:45 AM PDT by waus (FUBO UFCMF)
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To: NormsRevenge

H1N1 is a bio weapon.

6 posted on 09/30/2009 9:18:07 AM PDT by Crim
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To: Jenny Hatch


7 posted on 09/30/2009 9:20:12 AM PDT by Danae (No political party should pick candidates. That's the voters job.)
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To: stockpirate
OK. Let's assume it's true for a moment.

What population is NOT getting the vaccine?

8 posted on 09/30/2009 9:24:11 AM PDT by null and void (We are now in day 252 of our national holiday from reality. - 0bama really isn't one of US.)
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To: null and void

They are starting with the military this week, I’m thinking anyone here who is active duty or has family/friends on a base should help get the word out...


9 posted on 09/30/2009 9:26:58 AM PDT by Jenny Hatch (Mormon Mommy Blogger)
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To: NormsRevenge

Yes, Obama science czar John Holdren and Ted Turner would be happy, indeed.

10 posted on 09/30/2009 9:31:34 AM PDT by beefree
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To: null and void

Ahhhhhh, the middle east like Iran, Iraq e in other words muslims.

11 posted on 09/30/2009 9:34:19 AM PDT by stockpirate ("I came NOT to bring peace but a sword." - Jesus Christ)
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To: NormsRevenge

This sounds much like the plot in Tom Clancy’s “Rainbow Six”, where a billionaire pharma entrepreneur and a group of environmentalists devise a plot to kill off most of the Earth’s humans. First they engineer a virus pandemic, then they develop two vaccines. The “A” vaccine sent out to the world actually contains the disease. The “B” vaccine is reserved for select environmentalists only.

12 posted on 09/30/2009 9:35:31 AM PDT by Sender (It's never too late to be who you could have been.)
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To: null and void

Older people are last in line. If they can be accountable to 100 things at their age. I’m sure they won’’t be testing any sick folks anytime soon.

13 posted on 09/30/2009 9:36:45 AM PDT by Sacajaweau
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To: Jenny Hatch

Why would a company or a government risk being sued or overthrown through the use of a vaccine? Why not target the places where population continues to greatly expand, rather than countries in which population has been DECREASING for many years?

I applaud the background work, but in the end, this is an implausible line of “reasoning.”

14 posted on 09/30/2009 9:40:35 AM PDT by ConservativeMind (Liberals have an inability to value good character or to desire it for themselves.)
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To: NormsRevenge

Well, we have seen an increase in infertility...

15 posted on 09/30/2009 10:00:57 AM PDT by SaraJohnson
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To: Sacajaweau

“Older people are last in line”
also.. “older people” do not reproduce any more & most will be gone in another 20 or 30 years anyway.

16 posted on 09/30/2009 10:03:12 AM PDT by DDLL
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To: Sender

Watch Survivors (the new BBC series, not the island reality show). This is the exact plot of the show; which has had its produced second season put on hold, not to air due to “concerns about alarming the public.”

Brilliant show.

17 posted on 09/30/2009 10:22:15 AM PDT by sbMKE
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To: ConservativeMind

“Why would a company or a government risk being sued or overthrown through the use of a vaccine? Why not target the places where population continues to greatly expand, rather than countries in which population has been DECREASING for many years?

I applaud the background work, but in the end, this is an implausible line of “reasoning.”

Reason does not seem to be a part of the goals of these envirowhacks. They just want to save the planet.

I’m not getting the vaccine and neither are my five kids. We are prepared and ready to live in our home self sufficient for three months, even if the water and electricity are off.


And yes, guns are locked and loaded...

18 posted on 09/30/2009 10:23:34 AM PDT by Jenny Hatch (Mormon Mommy Blogger)
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To: ConservativeMind

They have already covered that by making the drug companies who make vaccines immune from prosecution.

19 posted on 09/30/2009 10:24:26 AM PDT by chris_bdba
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To: chris_bdba

I personally think the whole UK Mental health angle is to have a place to throw whistleblowers - say those health care workers who start to notice a huge group of mothers showing up at the ER spontaneously aborting their children after being vaccinated - a place to dump those people who dare to question the aftereffects of the vaccine.

Throw them in mental hospitals, drug them into mental oblivion and move ahead with the next step...

It’s all so mind bendingly overwhelming, I can hardly process it - and I’ve been researching and writing about these people for years.

I just keep thinking about all of the mothers in my church. We have had several children diagnosed with swine flu this past month, whole families quarantined and everyone is planning to get the vaccine when it shows up.

Yet I don’t feel capable of convincing any of them with any information, they all believe the tamiflu and vaccines are helpful and will keep them safe from the pandemic. When I try to talk about natural health options or the fact that I am not going to get vaccinated most treat me with suspicion and fear.

Oh well, Live and let live. I’m planning to enjoy my future life with grandchildren safely born..


20 posted on 09/30/2009 11:03:43 AM PDT by Jenny Hatch (Mormon Mommy Blogger)
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