Putin and the Russians just relaxed about the missile shield and were about to agree to sanctions and now we blind side the Russians - who are paranoid as it is - with something to justify their paranoia?
I hope this article is a mistranslation of some sort.
PS: Just to see if I am crazy in thinking this - but do you think this Biden going behind Obama’s back and doing things on his own?
You’re definitely not the only one seeing these things, Nikas.
What I still can’t figure out myself is who Obama is more loyal to — his communist friends, or his fanatic terrorist friends... Maybe his idea is just to confuse the heck out of all of them so they don’t know what they hell he’s going to do next? I mean that MIGHT honestly scare the heck out of some, but the Soviets will NOT play that game... They will not have any compunction about attacking us either through their backhanded economic support of terrorist organizations, their open support of terrorist regimes like Iran, or their Communist buddies to our South. They could care less about Obama himself, as long as their goal to cripple America is realized. Obama stupidly thinks they support him — just another sign that his mother never taught him what communists do to each OTHER in a quest to be the “top dog”.