That’s because you can’t rap “Washington” with any kind of rhythm.
Doesn’t matter—he was a racist, slave-owning, warrior male.
Bet they all think global warming is manmade and how to use as condom though
That’s really pathetic.
I wonder what the stats are in other states?
But did they learn important stuff such as how to put a condom on a banana?
Not surprising. None of them is named SOONER.
Yeah, let’s let the average person have a say in how things are run. That’s a good idea!
And people wonder why I’m a monarchist.
Honestly, I’m stunned...I guess schools everywhere have gotten worse..because when I had the opportunity to switch from a California high school to an Oklahoma one, I got the best education ever! This place was strict, still incorporated corporal punishment, strict dress code and high academic standards.. I was no slouch, but I really had to step up my game to keep up. Sorry to see that even my adopted state has gone downhill.
I am guessing that when I went to a normal public HS in the 70’s, probably 95 percent (or more) of the students knew about Washington minimally, and also about the Revolution, Jefferson, Adams, the Civil War, Lincoln, etc.
95 percent (I am accommodating for special cases).
I asked three known democrats (who voted for Gore) at work who the vice president (Cheney) of the country was and all three didn’t know, but they voted in the 2004 election.
It's too bad Mount Vernon wasn't featured on MTV “Cribs’”
One more thing, don't blame the kids, it's the schools and the parents which have failed them, not the other way around.
I wonder what percent an ACORN worker would get?
How is that different from any other state?
So 100% of OK teachers should be fired.
(I’ll bet 100% of the kids can tell you who Miley Cyrus is, though.)
Hey! You gosta understand!...All by design!...Teachers are just building the ideal whack left voting base for future garbage air head candidates
And politicians of all stripes seem to want more $$$ for education and teachers. We’ve got to get back to basics before another generation is lost.
> We’re doomed.
No, Oklahoma is doomed. Remind me not to hire grads from Oklahoma as well.
Oklahoma public high school students, eh? Well they’re young yet. Most of ‘em aren’t a day over twenty-five. Give ‘em time.