And if you don’t think that’s offensive, try calling a black friend ‘boy’ sometime...
I refuse to live my life trying to be careful about using words like boy. I’ve called kids boy, dogs boy, adults boy, and I imagine I probably have said it to a black and never noticed and neither did they. I use the word boy a lot.
The point with Carter is that he brought attention to race, making it all about race. I can assure you if Condi Rice was in the WH I would feel safe and be thrilled. It’s not about skin color. It’s about a closet Muslim Marxist, dirt bag user elitist that cares nothing about this country. All obongo cares about is how much money he will get out of this ordeal.
He was put through college to be a lawyer but nah, it was easier to be a community organizer for ACORN and the pay to play was easier money that being an attorney. He deserves no respect and he will never get any from me. He’s a low life POS, always was, always will be.