The son of a friend was attacked by a gang of blacks in the hall of his high school. They broke his femur. As you point out, this isn't backyard “boys with be boys” stuff. This is an attack that can kill or permanently maim.
The young man was in the schools gifted and talented program, and for the most part, this group had their own classes. These high IQ students did, though, need to interact with the other students for gym, lunch, assemblies..etc.
The parents prosecuted. The black kids were declared guilty and ordered to pay expenses which they never did. And...These black boys were transfered to another school where I am certain they terrorized the other unsuspecting students and teachers.
My friend and her husband re-enrolled their son in the **same** school! Unbelievable! It had a gifted and talented program, you see, and they thought it might improve their son's chances for admission to an Ivy League school. ( It didn't.)
That's some strong delusion.