That's some strong delusion.
There are plenty of deluded parents here on Free Republic.
Haven't we heard it all? Their child's school:
*Has Christian teachers ( who by the way are complicit in teaching children an godless curriculum that teaches children how to live life without God.)
* Their child's Christian teacher tries to sneak in a little Christian morality into their lessons. By doing so they teach the children that Christians are sneaky. ( Heard this one from a teacher at my church a few weeks ago. I did manage to be polite.)
* Their child's school has a Christmas tree.
* There is “In God we Trust” on a placard ( a relic of the 1930s) on the wall.
* Their children sing a Christmas carol or two.
* Their child's school has a Bible as literature course ( that teaches the children that the bible has cute stories.)
* Their child was valedictorian.
* Their child won a 3/4 of a million dollars in scholarships.
Etc....Oh! And.... For those Freepers who think I am **personally** attacking their children, **ALL** of these examples are from my neighborhood schools or the high school of my son-in-law. So...Please don't push the abuse button.