It’s most disgusting when non-believers try to manipulate Christian’s behavior by hanging over someone’s head the threat that their behavior is keeping unbelievers from salvation.
The clear meaning that someone is a bad Christian because they won’t change their behavior that results in others rejecting Christ and what kind of Christian are the that they don’t care if their behavior results in the loss of someone’s salvation, is so pathetically obvious that it’s ridiculous.
Jesus did nothing wrong and He was accused of all kinds of stuff by the Pharisees and was eventually killed for it.
A Christian doesn’t have to do anything wrong at all to earn slander and misrepresentations from unbelievers.
But these blatant attempts to manipulate behavior are , well, pretty childish themselves.
The other thing is, the only reason that people have any negative views of creationists and Christians as *anti-science* is because of the liberals portraying them that way. If the liberal, evo/atheist crowd didn’t constantly harp on how Christians and creationists are *anti-science*, *anti-intellectual*, talibanesque, Luddites, wanting to establish a theocracy and send the world back into the Dark Ages, there wouldn’t be any issues with *turning people away from Christ*.
The evos and atheists on this forum and others I’ve read, are constantly portraying Christians in a bad light and then have the nerve to accuse the Christians and creationists of doing it to themselves.
Sorry, not buying that one. WE aren’t the ones painting ourselves in that light, the evos are.
It’s the misrepresentations promoted by the atheists and Christian haters that do that damage.
bump, worth the liberal lunatics re-reading over and over until they get it.
Actually, instead of *sidgusting* (which it is, too) I think the word *reprehensible* might have been a better choice.
Let’s try this again......
Actually, instead of *disgusting* (which it is, too) I think the word *reprehensible* might have been a better choice.
I don’t know why being so tired makes one dyslexic....