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To: ETL; Venturer; ntmxx; screaminsunshine; Fred Nerks; AuntB

Why isn’t HE being investigated!

JOHN CONYERS Jr, Dem MI, is chair of one of the most powerful committees in Congress - House Judiciary Committee

What do they do?

Chairman’s Welcome

Welcome to the home page of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary. The committee has broad jurisdiction over measures relating to federal anti-trust law, courts and judges, constitutional issues and amendments, civil rights and liberties, immigration, patents, trademarks and copyrights, interstate compacts, and apportionment of representatives....

John Conyers, Jr.

About the Judiciary Committee

The jurisdiction of the The House Committee on the Judiciary as follows:

#1 The judiciary and judicial proceedings, civil and criminal.
#4 Bankruptcy, mutiny, espionage, and counterfeiting.
#7 Criminal law enforcement.
#19 Subversive activities affecting the internal security of the United States.

And WHO does John Conyers Jr ENDORSE?

From ETL’s thread (see post #8):

Endorsers of the [World Can’t Wait] Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime Include:

James Abourezk, Aris Anagnos, Rocky Anderson, Anti-Flag, Edward Asner, Russell Banks, Ed Begley Jr., Harry Belafonte, St. Clair Bourne, Gabriel Byrne, Margaret Cho, Ward Churchill, Paulette Cole, US Rep JOHN CONYERS Jr., John Densmore, Jesse Diaz Jr., Michael Eric Dyson, Steve Earle, Niles Eldredge, Daniel Ellsberg, Eve Ensler, Laura Flanders, Jane Fonda, Martin Garbus, Senator Mike Gravel, Andre Gregory, Sam Hamill, Suheir Hammad, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Mumia Abu-Jamal, Rickie Lee Jones, Sarah Jones, Brig. Gen. (Ret) Janis Karpinski, Jonathan Kozol, Rabbi Michael Lerner, US Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Robin Meyers, Mark Crispin Miller, Tom Morello, Viggo Mortensen, John Nichols, US Rep. Major Owens, Grace Paley, Harvey Pekar, Sean Penn, Michelle Phillips, Harold Pinter, Michael Ratner, Mark Ruffalo, US Rep. Bobby Rush, Susan Sarandon, Richard Serra, Jeff Sharlet, Rev. Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan, Martin Sheen, Nancy Spero, Gloria Steinem, Lynne Stewart, Serj Tankian, Sunsara Taylor, Studs Terkel, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Naomi Wallace, US Rep. Maxine Waters, Cornel West, Ann Wright, Howard Zinn, and thousands more who have already joined us.

World Can’t Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime is a Maoist-revolutionary movement organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Scroll down the list that appears (after clicking link) to find the World Can’t Wait organization ( is the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party):

From David Horowitz’s /
Profile: World Can’t Wait (WCW)

*Revolutionary communist movement that stages protests against the Bush administration

*Organizes college and high-school students

*Founded in June 2005 by Charles Clark Kissinger, a longtime leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party

On Oct 5, 2006, Democrat Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers Jr, the same guy who is leading the ‘investigation’ of the Bush administration, gave a *speech* to the World Can’t Wait—Drive Out the Bush Regime organization, a widely known front for the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Please see ETL’s thread & posts for MUCH MORE (ETL is a fountain of very useful facts & connections):

SO, who is the Revolutionary Communist Party and what do they advocate? ETL cites their own website.

The RCP calls for the armed overthrow of the U.S. government...

From the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party ( or :

“Create Public Opinion, Seize Power: We are preparing minds and organizing forces for the time when there is a major crack in the system, whenever it comes and wherever it comes from: an opening that makes it possible to bring the future Revolutionary Army of the Proletariat (R.A.P.) into the field and wage a revolutionary armed struggle that actually has a chance of winning.

And we have said that building our party itself is the most important part of organizing forces for revolution. This is true now, and it is true looking forward to the creation of that future R.A.P. and the waging of that armed struggle.”:

Did they say they would like to see “a major crack in the system ...that makes it possible to bring the future Revolutionary Army of the Proletariat (R.A.P.) into the field and wage a revolutionary armed struggle.”

“wage a revolutionary ARMED struggle?”

Aren’t they the kind of subversive people the government (and Conyers) is paid to worry about?

What is CONYERS’ job? “#19 Subversive activities affecting the internal security of the United States. “


Is Conyers protecting ACORN (an organization whose underhanded/criminal? deeds are so publicly known that they have become a national joke).

He was for it, then against it, then for it. Should such a confused man be chairing such an important committee as the House Judiciary Committee?

He defended ACORN in October 2008:
Mr. Conyers, who is known for his drive to continue investigating the Bush administration, previously defended ACORN. In October, he condemned an FBI voter fraud investigation targeting the group. He questioned whether it was politically motivated to hamper a voter-registration drive targeting groups likely to support Mr. Obama’s candidacy.

Then on March 19, 2009 John Conyers was enlightened:

John Conyers suggests a Congressional probe “after scathing testimony about the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) during a hearing on various voting issues related to the 2008 presidential election.”

Two weeks later, on May 4, Conyers’ neural synapses malfunction and he backs out of ACORN probe saying,

“Based on my review of the information regarding the complaints against ACORN, I have concluded that a hearing on this matter appears UNWARRANTED at this time.”

Meanwhile, in Nevada, just HOURS BEFORE Conyers’ made his “hearings unwarranted” statement-—

his fellow Democrats in Nevada, Secretary of State Ross Miller and Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto dropped a bombshell.

ACORN and two former senior ACORN employees in the state, they announced, had been charged with a total of 39 felony counts related to voter registrations.
Conyers said WHAT?

Questioned by the Washington Times about his decision to go back on his decision, he said, “”The powers that be decided against it,”

The “powers that be decided against it”? Is he hearing voices? Schizophrenic? HE was the “power that be” that decided ACORN should be investigated!

Conyers chickens out of ACORN probe
By Michelle Malkin • May 8, 2009 05:15 AM

[On May 4, 2009] Democrat Rep. John Conyers backs down from his pledge to investigate ACORN fraud: Bok, bok, bok.

Matthew Vadum zeroes in on the right question: What happened in a mere two weeks to change Conyers’ mind? Did he get a call from friends of ACORN in high places? Did he get something else? Why drop the call for a congressional probe in the very same week that ACORN criminal charges have been filed in Nevada and Pennsylvania?

What gives? Or who gives?
Related ACORN news: $53 million taxpayer funds for ACORN since 1994 and now the group is eligible for up to $8 BILLION more, according to Kevin Mooney at the Examiner.

Is the fox guarding the hen house? The investigator needs to be investigated. Is this just the tip of the iceberg?

49 posted on 08/30/2009 3:21:32 PM PDT by thouworm
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To: thouworm

I would say because of Republicans like John McCain. A bunch of Pussies.

50 posted on 08/30/2009 3:51:31 PM PDT by screaminsunshine (!!)
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To: thouworm

CONYERS ON THE JOB-—exercising his power over “THE POWERS THAT BE”!!!

President Barack Obama states he will not pursue prosecution of CIA officials. He wants the country to move forward:

George Stephanopoulos exclusive interview with Rahm EmanueL April 19, 2009:

Stephanopoulos: “The president has ruled out prosecution for CIA officials who believed they were following the law. Does he believe that the officials who devised the policies should be immune from prosecution?”

Emanuel: “He came up with this [statement] and worked on this for about four weeks. Wrote that statement Wednesday night after he had made his decision and dictated what he wanted to see. And Thursday morning I saw him in the office, he was still editing it. He believes that people in good faith were operating with the guidance they were provided,”

Stephanopoulos: What about those who devised the policy?

Emanuel: “Yeah, but those who devised the policy, he believes that they were, should not be prosecuted either.”

“And it’s not the place that we go, and as he said in that letter, and I would really recommend people look at the full statement, not the letter, the statement, and that second paragraph:

“This is not a time for retribution. It’s a time for reflection. It’s not a time to use our energy and our time in looking back and in a sense of anger and retribution.’ We have a lot to do to protect America. But what people need to know? This practice and technique, we don’t use anymore. We banned it.”

Conyers, apparently displeased with the decision of his President (justice champion that he is), addressed his sense of injustice in a speech to the National Press Club on July 27, 2009.

(the very speech made famous for his quip on the impossibility of reading the Health Care bill, “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”)

In that speech to the Press Club, John Conyers broached a subject dear to his heart, and, in bold defiance of his President, challenged “THE POWERS THAT BE” and demanded that Atty General Eric Holder appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration.

“Eric Holder must appoint a special counsel to review the Bush Administration abuses of power and misconduct. A criminal probe; he’s got to do that.”

Look at Conyers go! It would take an additional few weeks for Eric Holder and the President of the United States to capitulate to Conyers, but capitulate they did-—less than one month later.

Is that the way it happened?

51 posted on 08/30/2009 5:55:20 PM PDT by thouworm
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To: thouworm; All

House Judiciary Committee chairman/chief Bush administration "torture" investigator, democrat John Conyers Jr of Michigan is an endorser of the Revolutionary Communist Party movement/organization, "World Can't Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime" (they'll probably be dropping the "Drive Out the Bush Regime" portion of their name soon).


Former Abu Ghraib Brigadier General, Janis Karpinski, is also an endorser of the revolutionary communist org...

Click on the WCW link just below and see: "Endorsers of the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime Include". Conyers' endorsement appears right after Ward Churchill's. Al Sharpton's, Maxine Waters and Jesse Jackson's are further down the list. Former Black Panther, Illinois congressman Bobby Rush, is on the list as well. (the BPs were Maoist revolutionaries/domestic terrorists). Karpinski's name appears several after convicted cop killer/Black Panther, Mumia Abu-Jamal's.

Endorsers of the [World Can't Wait] Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime Include:

James Abourezk, Aris Anagnos, Rocky Anderson, Anti-Flag, Edward Asner, Russell Banks, Ed Begley Jr., Harry Belafonte, St. Clair Bourne, Gabriel Byrne, Margaret Cho, Ward Churchill, Paulette Cole, US Rep John Conyers Jr., John Densmore, Jesse Diaz Jr., Michael Eric Dyson, Steve Earle, Niles Eldredge, Daniel Ellsberg, Eve Ensler, Laura Flanders, Jane Fonda, Martin Garbus, Senator Mike Gravel, Andre Gregory, Sam Hamill, Suheir Hammad, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Mumia Abu-Jamal, Rickie Lee Jones, Sarah Jones, Brig. Gen. (Ret) Janis Karpinski, Jonathan Kozol, Rabbi Michael Lerner, US Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Robin Meyers, Mark Crispin Miller, Tom Morello, Viggo Mortensen, John Nichols, US Rep. Major Owens, Grace Paley, Harvey Pekar, Sean Penn, Michelle Phillips, Harold Pinter, Michael Ratner, Mark Ruffalo, US Rep. Bobby Rush, Susan Sarandon, Richard Serra, Jeff Sharlet, Rev. Al Sharpton, Cindy Sheehan, Martin Sheen, Nancy Spero, Gloria Steinem, Lynne Stewart, Serj Tankian, Sunsara Taylor, Studs Terkel, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut, Alice Walker, Naomi Wallace, US Rep. Maxine Waters, Cornel West, Ann Wright, Howard Zinn, and thousands more who have already joined us.

World Can't Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime is a Maoist-revolutionary movement organized by the Revolutionary Communist Party. Scroll down the list that appears (after clicking link) to find the World Can't Wait organization ( is the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party):

From David Horowitz's /
Profile: World Can't Wait (WCW)

*Revolutionary communist movement that stages protests against the Bush administration

*Organizes college and high-school students

*Founded in June 2005 by Charles Clark Kissinger, a longtime leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party

On Oct 5, 2006, Democrat Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers Jr, the same guy who is leading the 'investigation' of the Bush administration, gave a *speech* to the World Can't Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime organization, a widely known front for the Revolutionary Communist Party.

Diane Sawyer with villainess turned media darling Janis Karpinski

From the GatewayPundit, June 02, 2006...

Debunking the Deranged Charges by Media Darling Col. Karpinski

Let's see... the media needed to find someone to play along with their Haditha madness so who better than the... discredited, delusional, blaming, angry, and paranoid Colonel Janis Karpinski of Abu Ghraib fame who has mysteriously moved from villainess to hero in the eyes of the mainstream media.

Well, maybe not so mysterious since Karpinski is now a crowd favorite for the Far Left enthusiasts.

Karpinski with fellow extremist and Castro supporter Harry Belafonte at the January "International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration"

Colonel Karpinski is a definite crowd pleaser with the anti-war crowd for her strange attacks on the military and Bush Administration.

FYI: The "International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration" is also a front for the Revolutionary Communist Party.

See these Yahoo search results for "International Commission of Inquiry On Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration" + "revolutionary communist party":

The RCP calls for the armed overthrow of the U.S. government...

From the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party ( or :

"Create Public Opinion, Seize Power: We are preparing minds and organizing forces for the time when there is a major crack in the system, whenever it comes and wherever it comes from: an opening that makes it possible to bring the future Revolutionary Army of the Proletariat (R.A.P.) into the field and wage a revolutionary armed struggle that actually has a chance of winning.

And we have said that building our party itself is the most important part of organizing forces for revolution. This is true now, and it is true looking forward to the creation of that future R.A.P. and the waging of that armed struggle.":

Voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA [Maoist]
[Revolution] Interview with Bill Ayers, Revolution #63, October 1, 2006:
"On Progressive Education, Critical Thinking and the Cowardice of Some in Dangerous Times"

"This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English..."--B.H. Obama, during a debate with H. Clinton


"Retired Army Colonel and former U.S. diplomat" Ann Wright is also an endorser of World Can't Wait...

From the Revolutionary Communist Party website ( or ...

The Revolution Interview:
Ann Wright, Former U.S. Diplomat

Revolution #020, October 30, 2005, posted at

Also from the RCP website:

Revolution #49, June 4, 2006
Correction: Ann Wright Detained at US Army Base

Editor's Note: The print edition of Revolution incorrectly states that Ann Wright was charged With Sedition. We regret the error.

On Monday, May 22, Retired Army Colonel and former U.S. diplomat Ann Wright was detained at Fort McNair military base in Washington, DC. She was at Ft. McNair to demand that U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld be held accountable for the torture at Abu Ghraib. Interviewed on Democracy Now, Wright said she left materials about the movie Sir, No Sir: The Suppressed Story of the GI Movement to End the War In Vietnam at the base.

Wright resigned her State Department post to protest the war in Iraq, and later testified at the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration Read the “Revolution Interview with Ann Wright” that appeared in Revolution #20.

52 posted on 08/30/2009 10:42:22 PM PDT by ETL (ALL the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: thouworm

Comments from John Conyers Jr at the fifth anniversary of the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS of AMERICA celebration at Washington’s Busboys and Poets restaurant:

The nation’s senior Black congressman fears Barack Obama is in danger of becoming a one-term president. Obama’s health care proposal is “crap,” says Detroit’s John Conyers, and Obama loses whether it passes or fails.

Conyers: “There is no one more disappointed than I am in Barack Obama.”

A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford

“Progressive congresspersons may wind up voting against Obama on health care.”

Congressman John Conyers says Barack Obama’s stance on health care has been wrong, and it’s going to cost the president “big time.” It might even cost Obama his second term in the White House.
Conyers is the Congressional Black Caucus’s longest serving member, having represented Detroit since 1964, when Obama was a three-year-old.

He’s also one of the most consistently progressive members of the House, chairman of the Judiciary Committee and author of single payer health care bill H.R. 676 – legislation the White House has done its best to smother. Obama once gave lip service to single payer health care, but as president has staked his reputation on a mishmash of corporate schemes and deals-with-the-devil masquerading as health care reform – a thoroughly confused and conflicted legislative concoction that Conyers describes, simply, as “crap.”

Conyers suggests that, at the end of the legislative process, progressive congresspersons may wind up voting against Obama on health care because the bill will be simply too bad for advocates of real reform to support.

53 posted on 09/01/2009 12:32:45 PM PDT by thouworm
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