“What we are watching is liberal compassion which is not compassion at all.”
That’s correct IMO having been raised in a semi-Leftist environment. Mother and Grandmother both Leftist whack-jobs, and Father a complete opposite John Bircher with myself seemingly in a bubble outside looking in at it all. It was strange, and I don’t even communicate with any of them to this day.
I can tell you many things about the loonies of the Left ie; “Liberal Compassion” is basically “what can I get for me out of this”? Their minds don’t even touch on morality, nor do they even brush their eyeballs across the page in the book of right and wrong. They are aware of the difference, but don’t acknowledge it as anything but an obstacle in the way to what they want for themselves.
Phony people, with phony relationships, with phony smiles. Don’t even go near their feed bowl. They are animals. If they share it’s because right at that moment what you have is more appealing than what they have, and they will have what you have soon whether you want to give it to them, or not.
The best thing one can do to a Leftist is leave it alone. Don’t associate with it, and never consider it Human much less elect it to anything.