The compromise bill is the one both chambers will try to push through rapidly, in the wee dark morning hours, before it can be read by the public. Tom, if that happens, then I predict all Hell breaking loose. If they think the public is angry now (despite the public spin they put on it as a small group of paid-for-Rightwing extremists), as Reagan said, "You ain't seen nothing yet!"
Part of my hopes they'll do so. It will lead to a public deluge of Congress come November 2010. The only thing that makes me hope they lose now is how terrible this bill or bills are for the nation.
Part of my hopes they'll do so. It will lead to a public deluge of Congress come November 2010.
A couple of week ago, I posted something to the effect that:
Some feathers and tar applied now would significantly change the voting in future Congresses.
Politicians have been relatively immune from their constituents in the past. This health debate has, as the lady at the Specter townhall said, "awakened the sleeping giant." The natives are restless.