To: TomGuy
I think regardless of final content, the American people, both through public display and polling, have clearly shown they desperately want nothing to do with such legislation.
51 posted on
08/16/2009 6:02:35 AM PDT by
(RATs...nothing more than Bald Haired Hippies!)
I think regardless of final content, the American people, both through public display and polling, have clearly shown they desperately want nothing to do with such legislation.
But that doesn't stop Congress and Obama from trying to get it passed. Just like the 70+% opposition to Amnesty for Illegals didn't stop Congress and Bush from trying to pass it in 2006 and twice in 2007.
72 posted on
08/16/2009 6:08:35 AM PDT by
I think regardless of final content,the American people, both through public display and polling, have clearly shown they desperately want nothing to do with such legislation. Won't matter,the rats have the numbers. They will use them. Some form of Obamcare will pass. It may be so diluted its not even recognizable, but that won't matter to them. They are all lawyers and will shape shift it later.
158 posted on
08/16/2009 6:51:17 AM PDT by
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