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To: TomGuy; All
Exactly Tom midnight legislation is how this and most rat bills will be passed that's if they can pass anything at all that resembles what they want, they will. They will add everything laterthat's how the game is played and no one plays dirtier than the demrats. ..........

I am watching David Gregory go nuts over the reference to El Bozo as Hitler. You just gotta laugh at this assclown. No group has ever gone more ballistic in their protesting over anything and everything from Rodney King to every war we have been in since WW II, to GW over the past 30 years then the demorats and the first time we raise our voices at all, at a town meeting, ohhh.... it's just terrible. The rat double standard is alive and well.

Notice that Gregory has 5 rats and two of us on his fair and balanced panel,that "is" balance in the DBM.

They are all spinning so fast and so blatantly while ignoring what Coburn rightly sees as the big enchilada how the huge cost of everything the Joker adm. has done to the country will plunge us into default and bankrupt the country.,at least Coburn gets it and is willing to raise the topic.

No dem/rat will talk about that since they know it is their political deathnell.

134 posted on 08/16/2009 6:38:47 AM PDT by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE--GO SARAHCUDA !!)
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To: rodguy911
that's how the game is played and no one plays dirtier than the demrats. ..........


I remember sitting here in front of the computer, 3 a.m., reading FR and watching the Republican House activities surrounding the Medicare Prescription bill, and Hastert's 15-minute vote stretching to nearly 3 hours, as he arm-twisted 5 hold-outs.

IIRC, the Republicans closed the committee doors and refused to allow Dems in to write that bill -- but they did invite drug and insurance company reps to join in.

There is enough dirty from both parties, behind the scenes.
170 posted on 08/16/2009 6:57:23 AM PDT by TomGuy
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