“I want you to raise my taxes.” Now there is a definition of moron.
I bet he doesn’t donate a penny to charity.
Nothing is stopping tasbards like the guy you quoted from paying for someone else’s insurance.
I bet his charitable giving is somewhat less than 10%...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's nothing that says he can't pay extra. Let this fool put his money where his mouth is.
Hey, Idiot....there is NOTHING stopping you from paying more to the IRS.....do it.
The idiot, Jeff Davidson, 58, a RETIRED ACCOUNTANT.....hmmmm...is he retired from the GOVERNMENT?? 58 is young.
He is a sick jerk.
Yes notice the idiot saying that was “retired” and most likely not paying many taxes anymore!
” I want you to raise my taxes. Now there is a definition of moron.”
I always tell morons like that that the Treasury has a “conscience fund” for people who feel they owe the gov’t money, and that they should work as hard as they can, keep only what they need to survive, and send the rest to Uncle Sugar.