Whose in the lead?
just started....ESPN
Collins: Don’t Listen to GOP
fear-mongering on Health Care
What a coincidence, my friend’s in the other room visiting to go to Sloan-Kettering... she’s from Canada.
Medicine and the New Slavery
Human Events, by Dr. Lee Hieb
On Health Care, 51% Fear Government
More Than Insurance Companies
I am Kenneth Gladney
The first round of protests against the Obama administration’s chaotic and rapid-fire expansion of government came in the form of grass-roots “tea parties,” which were predictably met with scorn by the Democrat-Media Complex (the natural coalition of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media.) CNN’s Anderson Cooper and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow led the charge, declaring concerned Americans ...
My week wearing a burka: Just a few yards of black fabric, but it felt like a prison
Obama’s Three Stooges /Babbin HEvents
August 2009 may go down as the coolest weather on record, but the political rhetoric on President Obamas attempt to nationalize health care is more heated than ever. Health care is a kitchen table issue: every American adult wants the best health care for themselves and their families and — across the generation gaps — they are coming out in record numbers against the Obamacare proposal.
Amputation no longer seen as a last resort in cancer cases
The Globe and Mail (Yeah, I bet)
Patients’ quality of life measurably better without limb-saving surgery, study finds
NBC Launches Liberal Site For ‘The’
African-American Perspective On News
“There is not a Black America and a White America and a Latino America and an Asian America — there’s the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote address. “theGrio.com. The African-American perspective on news. Our lives, our world, our stories. theGrio.com. Part of NBC News.” — promo for new NBC News website, August 9, 2009.
‘Social justice’ in health care
re: Rush, not mention what will happen when he caps doc pay.
Barack, meet Friedrich (from July)
In his book “The Fatal Conceit,” Nobel laureate Friedrich A. Hayek provided some insight into this lethal combination of arrogance and stupidity.
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design,” advised Hayek.
Before the “obvious economic failure of Eastern European socialism, it was widely thought that a centrally planned economy would deliver not only ‘social justice’ but also a more efficient use of economic resources,” Hayek wrote. “This notion appears eminently sensible at first glance. But it proves to overlook the fact that the totality of resources that one could employ in such a plan is simply not knowable to anybody, and therefore can hardly be centrally controlled.”
In other words, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama just don’t know enough — can’t know enough — to design or run a complex economy. It’s not just that neither of them has even run a successful hot dog stand. The problem is that there are too many millions of transactions in an economy, too many interactions and unintended consequences, for any one person or any single committee to understand — even if they all went to Harvard.
The “fatal conceit” is that they think they are able to shape the world to match their collectivist visions.
The good news is that we know what works. What’s delivered the goods to the greatest number of people in world history — delivered unprecedented levels of both freedom and prosperity — is economic freedom, individual initiative, self-interest, competition, voluntary exchange, private property, decentralized and spontaneously self-organized markets and highly limited government.
What hasn’t worked is government coercion and centralized planning, or, as Hayek put it, “the deliberate arrangement of human interaction by central authority based on collective command over available resources.”
Where did that bank bailout go?
Watchdogs aren’t entirely sure
WASHINGTON Although hundreds of well-trained eyes are watching over the $700 billion that Congress last year decided to spend bailing out the nation’s financial sector, it’s still difficult to answer some of the most basic questions about where the money went.
Despite a new oversight panel, a new special inspector general, the existing Government Accountability Office and eight other inspectors general, those charged with minding the store say they don’t have all the weapons they need. Ten months into the Troubled Asset Relief Program, some members of Congress say that some oversight of bailout dollars has been so lacking that it’s essentially worthless.
“TARP has become a program in which taxpayers are not being told what most of the TARP recipients are doing with their money, have still not been told how much their substantial investments are worth, and will not be told the full details of how their money is being invested,” a special inspector general over the program reported last month. The “very credibility” of the program is at stake, it said.
For the breaks:
Barry, Barry, Quite Contrary
Hello Barry (info@barackobama.com): I want to express my deep disappointment with your continued refusal to address my questions about the new health care reform bill currently being pushed through Congress. A few days ago, I sent you several dozen questions about the bill. You did not answer a single one of them. Instead, you keep sending me form emails. Ive cut and pasted your last form email below...
Washington piles on the spending
Los Angeles - This year, millions of Americans accepted a salary freeze or even a pay cut so they could keep their jobs. They ought to be asking why the federal government isnt willing to make a similar sacrifice. Even though faced with declining tax receipts and increased borrowing, lawmakers and President Barack Obama have ramped up federal spending and not just temporary spending.
LOL, on the campaign spot/NR
It’s Almost as If They’re Hiding Her
Tina Brown created a stir a few weeks ago when she wrote a column alleging that Hillary Clinton had been “invisible” in the position of secretary of state, declaring, “Its time for Barack Obama to let Hillary Clinton take off her burqa.”
Unfair and inaccurate, the Obama camp and the Hillary camp charged. She’s constantly doing important work on the foreign-policy front. And we weren’t supposed to read anything into the fact that her husband handled the most sensitive and important diplomatic mission of this young presidency.
And now, this week, both the president and the secretary of state are on important, critical missions beyond our borders.
President Obama heads to Guadalajara, Mexico, to meet with the heads of state of Mexico and Canada for a summit that will focus heavily on the swine-flu virus and “an expected new wave of cases during North America’s upcoming flu season,” along with drug-cartel violence on the U.S.-Mexican border, mitigating Canadian anger over “buy American” provisions, and immigration.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton heads to Luanda.
That’s in Angola, where as part of her seven-nation trip through Africa, she “will emphasize Africa as a place of opportunity, built on an ethic of responsibility.”
Obama’s Health Care Will Make It Worse
Illusions and
Delusions About the Uninsured
The Grand Tour
A tale of two professors and Sarah Palin
Klein insists ‘telephone town hall’ isn’t wimpy
(Gp Allen West)
Obama Administration:
Home of the Whopper
(A recent Washington Post op-ed by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius suggests a new motto for the Obama Administration: ‘’Home of the Whopper.’’ The Sebelius piece contains no fewer than 10 health care whoppers, including: Whopper Number 1: Americans are too stupid to buy their own health insurance. (Snip) ‘’and lose their insurance or wake up from surgery with a $10,000 bill because they didn’t read the fine print on their policy.
Dang Rush, July was... Bush’s fault.
Poor economy?