Amen! I will add her to my list of people I want to see associated with the candidate I support next time around. Names like John Bolton, Ollie North, Alan Keyes, Newt Gingrich. SarahCuda is missing because she's a given in my book!
I know each of these people have their faults, none is perfect. But in each case they have an ability that I feel would help us take on and defeat the Left. Time was I subscribed to the “all-or-nothing” school of thought. No longer. IMHO, a weakness in one or more areas should not preclude us from using their strengths to win the battle.
This is where we get trumped by the Left so often. Their voters will vote for someone if they happen to voice support for any of the liberal sacred cows that are top on the liberal voter's list. We are just the opposite as a rule. We will rule out a candidate if they disagree with us on even one important issue.
To me, that looks like a pretty good starting line up for a Palin Administration.