Image google search: Ron Polland
Note URL of image: = Good anti-Obama site.
Orly’s Blog link:
Blog posting:
Pictures matches
Polarik has claimed years professional experience with digital imaging, computers, etc. Professionally, no evidence of that, at all.
Psychologist and teacher, commendable, but just another dude like the rest of us when it comes to working with digital imagery.
You need to read more carefully.
What you found pretty much echoes what he has indicated here.
My Spysweeper went off on your link :
Mite want to sweep your system...
And your work and analysis on this is where?
Why are attacking this man? I read his forensic report on Obama's COLB, and it was a very good analysis.
Polarik has been a respected member of this community for some time. On the other hand, I've never heard of you.