I have read both of your detailed and thoughtful responses to my question, and I must say that I will need to spend some time and attention digesting these treatises.
I greatly fear that a majority of our “public servants” have decided for themselves to replace “servant” with “commander” or “custodian” or more plainly, “prison guard”.
Lindsey Graham provided the single Republican vote needed to pass the Sotamayor nomination out of committee. That vote was a LOT MORE of a betrayal that just an inexplicable bad decision. I read recently that without at least one minority vote, the nomination would have to go without a recommendation for approval. That minority vote was originally going to come from the usual turncoat, Senator Specter, but when he changes sides they needed a substitute and Senator Grahamnesty stepped right up.
Lamar Alexander voted FOR the “porkulous” bill - one of three Repubs. He claimed that it provided essential benefits for Tennessee that made his vote necessary. I told him that NOTHING justified trying to buy my vote with my own money.
Not long after, he voted FOR CLOTURE on the nomination of Harold Koh to State Dept legal counsel, and then cast a MEANINGLESS vote against the actual nomination, which passed easily. But since that vote, his office flunkies are insisting that he voted AGAINST the nomination. When I verified my original accusation, I called back to call them - and the Senator - the liars they certainly are.
I intend to visit every public appearance of every congresscritter I can afford to during this recess - with a broom and a “poop scooper” with signs attached to let them know what they face if they continue their arrogance. I hope others will do the same.
You have the right idea...Many more in your district need to show up and keep the pressure on till they correct themselves, or just flat out quit and let other folks in their that will do the job correctly...