Just as you can tell that virtually ALL ‘African-Americans’ are mixed race just by looking at them.
VERY FEW of them bear ANYTHING like the classic African tribal physiognomy, and increasingly, probably fewer and fewer Africans do too. So it makes NO sense for A-As to try to make a point about being “African”. They are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AMERICAN, and they got that way by miscegenation. As such, they make PERFECT Americans, since America is Mutt Central. And all of us should be PROUD of that status, especially when we look at the monoracial cultures that exist now in the world, like China and Japan, ancient indeed, and “just starting” to get into the swing of things that America has been pioneering for 300 plus years.
Its just that the old elites in this country, and their descendants for YEARS refused to admit that race mixing went on and classified ANYONE with a little African heritage as "black" (unless of course, they were Puerto Rican). The racial classification system in the United States has always been rather asinine, IMHO.