I remember going to the OMB OR OBM..(can’t remember )site and trying to figure out when that form was enacted and not understanding the difference in dates in what I was seeing on the site..but maybe the explanation is the one we see here where the form was being used before the official date.
I don’t even really remember the time difference. Just know I couldn’t come up with an answer.
Honest to GOD, going through so many documents for hours at a time can burn your eyes out and addle your brain after an all night work session in which you have gone through documents for hours and hours and your eyes are already watering.
Day before yesterday, I had collected a whole slew of info a tidbit at a time and copied them to my notes. It was still an untitled document that I inadvertently forgot to save, when lo and behold, a lightning strike somewhere knocked my power out for about a nanosecond....
Gone hours and hours of research in the blink of an eye.
Had to start all over and I still don't have it all back yet because there is even more stuff now.