Ummm, I received an email from someone last night in the media asking me about my claim he isn’t.
Title 8, 1405, would make Obama eligible IF he was truly born in Hawaii, even if only 1 parent is a US citizen.
There is still a huge problem for Obama, however, and that is with his adoption by Mr. Soetoro of Indonesia. At the time he was adopted, Indonesia did not recognize dual citizenship. Barack would have had to renounce his citizenship to go to school in Indonesia, as Indonesia (at least then) only allowed Indonesian kids to go to Indonesian schools. His passport would show he was Indonesian.
THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM. Barack had to give up his US citizenship. You can’t get it back. This is the real problem for him.
Obama’s citizenship is NOT a sufficient condition for his eligibility for the Pressidency. 10,000 authentic Birth certificates showing that he was born in Hawaii to Barack Obama Sr. won’t make him a Natural Born Citizen, as the Constitution requires.
Hopefully, when a competent judge gets hold of this and makes a good ruling, about 200,000,000 folks in the US are going to get schooled on a matter they should have learned in 6th grade.
And Barry would have had to have been a Muslim to attend school in Indonesia.
Add this to your points and methinks Barry’s screwed. There’s a reason this despot has been trying to pass any and every Marxist act he can: he knows he’s done for, perhaps really, really soon.
Lets have a little look at title 8, 1405 shall we? I do not see the term "natural born citizen" written anywhere in the text. It's of no use for Obama.
"§ 1405. Persons born in Hawaii A person born in Hawaii on or after August 12, 1898, and before April 30, 1900, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900. A person born in Hawaii on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of the United States at birth. A person who was a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12, 1898, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900.
Try again.
Wasn't BO's wife quoted as saying something like "We're not going to let a little thing like an adoption stand in the way of his candidacy for the Presidency"?
Yep, Indonesian is another citizenship;
Was young Obama Indonesian citizen?
Document, travel suggest ‘Barry Soetero’ member of world’s largest Muslim country
Obama’s American mother, Ann Dunham, separated from her first husband, Barack Obama Sr., in 1963 when the presidential candidate was two years old. Dunham and Obama Sr. are reported to have later divorced. Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian, and moved to Indonesia sometime between 1966 and 1967.
It was not clear whether Soetoro adopted Obama, either in Hawaii or in Indonesia, but there is strong circumstantial evidence that he did as far as Indonesian law was concerned.
In Indonesia, which was under tight rule in 1967, Obama clearly took on the last name of his stepfather in school registration documents. All Indonesian students were required to carry government identity cards, or Karty Tanda Pendudaks, which needed to bear the student’s legal name, which should be matched in public school registration filings.
Following his enrollment at the private Assisi school, Obama attended public schooling in Indonesia until he returned to Hawaii at age 10. According to Indonesian legal experts, it was difficult to enroll non-Indonesian citizens in public schooling.
Obama arrived in Indonesia at about the age of five according to most accounts, although it was possible he arrived at the age of six, according to a few sources. If Lolo Soetoro adopted Obama at age five or younger, then Obama would automatically have become an Indonesian citizen according to the country’s laws in the 1960’s, which stipulated any child aged five or younger adopted by an Indonesian father is immediately granted Indonesian citizenship upon completion of the adoption process.
Lolo Soetoro could have adopted Obama in Hawaii, although such an adoption would not have necessarily been recognized by Indonesia.
Indonesian law at the time also did not recognize dual citizenship, meaning if Obama became Indonesian, then as far as that country was concerned, his U.S. citizenship was no longer recognized by Indonesia. But U.S. law would still recognize Obama as an American citizen.
Another REAL problem for Obama is his multiple citizenships.
The Founders specified “natural born” citizenship as a requirement for the Presidency. An individual with prior, or concurrent, citizenship in another country has divided loyalties.
According to what scant public records we have, Obama/Soetoro has apparently been a citizen of Britain (before Kenyan independence), Kenya, Indonesia, and possibly the U.S.
I don’t believe he was old enough to denounce his citizenship. HOWEVER, once he became of age and was still using an Indonesian passport, that is a different story because he was old enough to make the decision himself. I also remember reading a while back, that he would have to repatriate himself once he was old enough.
Title 8, 1405, would make Obama eligible IF he was truly born in Hawaii, even if only 1 parent is a US citizen.
Again, the lack of understanding on this issue is mind boggling.
Dude, NATURAL BORN CITIZEN versus CITIZEN. They are NOT, I repeat, NOT the same. Learn the distinction. Most other people get it, why don’t you? Yes, he is obviously a “Citizen”, but he is NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. You need both parents to be Citizens. His father was not.
If both parents are not citizens, you slam into a contradiction, just as we have with bo. The contradiction is “Dual citizenship”. the founding fathers accepted that senators could have dual citizenship, but decided the president cannot have dual citizenship. It’s logical.
The evidence which would substantiate his birth on US soil or elsewhere, exists in his very own hot little hands according to HIS VERY OWN BOOK Dreams From My Father. The DIRECTOR of Health Services of Hawaii, Janice Okubo, said that Hawaii has his BIRTH CERTIFICATE on file in accordance with Hawaiis rules and procedures. A legitimate and moral president would be MORE than happy to allay his countrymens legitimate concerns about the legal basis for his governance and produce ordinary documentation to confirm that legal and constitutional basis, as did Barry Goldwater, George Romney Sr, and John S.McCain.
But I am certain that Hussein aint legitimate. He is in fact a lying usurping BASTARD who, were these documents be revealed, expose him for the counterfeit that he is. It is entirely possible that he is an ILLEGAL ALIEN. He attended public school in Indonesia. Indonesian law then only allowed for Indonesian citizens to attend Indonesian public schools. There is strong evidence, in the form of a registration document filed in 1976 at the St Francis Assisi Catholic School in Jakarta, Indonesia, showing one Barry Soetero, Indonesian citizen, religion Muslim as being registered there to attend school. His stepfather Lolo Soetero undoubtedly adopted him and made him an Indonesian citizen so that he might attend school there. There is no evidence that upon being repatriated, that he swore an oath of allegiance before the appropriate State Dept Official to reaffirm his citizenship. Even if he had, he would be naturalized and would forever have lost any natural born status, which he could never have had anyway since his putative father was a Kenyan and British citizen in Hawaii on a sutudent visa. If he didnt take the oath than he is an illegal alien. All SCOTUS peripheral rulings on citizenship imply 2 US citizen parents born on US soil to qualify as a US natural born citizen, to include John Bingham, an author of the 14th amendment. But there is no mystery as to why HUSSEIN continues to stonewall, the only mystery being why there are so many citizens corrupt enough to obsfucate for this depraved criminal.
Anyone who believes that Hussein is legit HAS to believe that he is willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on armies of lawyers to keep his birth on US soil a secret from the American people.
We need his birth certificate in order to establish who his recorded Biological FATHER is and the location of his birth. We cant take his word for it. He is a proven inveterate liar, who produces lies in litters like some sort of prevaricating political sow. Mr. constitutional law professor may have been trying to create a romantic myth of an African father while hoping that the public would disregard the anachronistic Article II, Sec. 1 clause 5 of the constitution and allow him to succeed in his coup and usurpation of the presidency.
Adoption or no adoption, the United States does not permit a child to renounce his citizenship nor does the United States allow a parent to renounce citizenship for his a child.
Indonesia makes laws determining who is or is not a citizen of Indonesia, however Indonesia can not decide who is or is not a US citizen.
The real problem for him are two counts of felony document fraud, 200 counts of Interstate fraud, 200 counts of election fraud, and 200 counts of voter fraud, for creating and distributing two false government identification documents, aka the bogus birth certificates he posted online.