Blackmail has been a concern of mine since Obama was elected. It’s possible he is already being blackmailed.
Mossad has the goods on the usurper and no telling who else.
You said — Blackmail has been a concern of mine since Obama was elected. Its possible he is already being blackmailed.
Ummmm..., Obama is so far left, if someone blackmailed him, he would be a conservative... LOL...
Good point!
I don't think blackmail is the problem here. Remember that $800 million in campaign donations that Hussein supposedly got via $5 & $10 donations? And thus claimed he couldn't/didn't have to report the donors?
Everyone knows that's hogwash [I like that, Muslim Barry and "hog"wash].
Some very big money came from some very powerful people. And they didn't donate it. They bought influence....and a lot of it. My gut feeling is that Barry may not even realize it yet, but he is owned by these people and is soon to discover he's not really in charge.
I think we need to be very concerned with the tactics Soros and the like are going to use through their surrogate [Barry]. These people powerful and ruthless, they eat community organizers for snacks. I think some of them would be very pleased to crash the dollar, and that may be what is behind the printing of all the funny money.
That would cast him in a victim light, and I hardly believe that Obama is a victim. He’s maybe a pawn of his rich oil buddies & royalty overseas, but if anything, I believe he’s a willing player.