Posted on 07/10/2009 7:43:28 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
So youve all seen and kept up with the latest happenings on Sarah, right? A lot of people in the media and the blogosphere declared her resignation bizarre, and a lot of others thought that, frankly, she was insane. Even many of Palins supporters were puzzled by this decision at first. Why would this woman, who was doing perfectly well building her resume and experience as governor of Alaska, abruptly resign?
It makes a lot more sense now. A few days ago, Palin scheduled a press conference, and none other than ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Time, and countless other media outlets showed up. Today, an article came out in which Texas Governor Rick Perry declared that Palin would do campaigning for him, and following the declaration was a media frenzy. Palins people arent stupid; they know shes a draw. They know that, at any time, at any place, and for any reason, Palin can kick up a storm in the media. It barely matters that Palin is the victim of all kinds of criticism and second guessing: by staying in the news media day and night, by plastering her beautiful face all over the news programs and papers, Palin will become a household name.
Look, Palin has already proved that she can draw the adoration and votes of most of middle America. She did well among men, and, with a little more familiarity, shes sure to do well with women. It doesnt matter what the pundits and the talking heads say; what matters is the final vote count in November, 2012. Palin is a draw; she knows this, her handlers know this, and Americans know this. Only the media doesnt seem to know it, but even they are unknowingly boosting Palins appeal.
Its been proven in the last election cycle that its dangerous to second-guess Palin. In 2008, it was McCains campaign staff, in a weak and pathetic thrust at bi-partisanship, that held her back from saying what she really meant. All of the reports that came out stated that McCains people had all sorts of gag orders on Palin, and in addition were feeding her dozens of conflicting sets of talking points to give the media. Now that Palin has cut loose from Alaska, she has gained not only a national stage, but also the freedom and independence to convey her real personality to all of America for the next three years.
Keyes campaign for the IL Senate seat convinced me he had a self destruct wish.
Sarah knows that a Presidential run is like a football season:
1)Training camp (reading up, practicing speeches, getting used to travelling, getting advisors in place etc)
2)Regular season (rubber-chicken curcuit, fundraising dinners, going to primary states, meetings with fat cats and other politicians)
3)2010 midterms (standings for playoffs)
4)primary season (playoffs)
5)fall campaign (Super Bowl)
In football terms coaches tell their players their goal at the beginning of training camp is to get to the playoffs but it is a long season and they have a long way to go before they can seriously think of a playoff run and the Super Bowl.
agree with everything you said.
[I like Sarah, hell even voted for her, but most men, not all but most, are not going to vote for a woman President, or a woman Vice President.
Too many damn chauvinists in this country]
I believe you’ve got it completely backwards. Obama rails among men and leads among women. I believe Palin also draws more men. Women are socialists.
Now that Palin is free of the saboteurs, fags and traitors of the McCain camp and the ankle biters of the 'rat left in Alaska, it is time to "Let Sarah be Sarah" and watch what happens.
That’s it.
I don’t care if your black, white or purple with pink polka dots.
Just as long as you are
A.) A natural born citizen of the USA
B.) You will protect and defend the Constitution
C.) Support the troops in any and every way.
D.) Hold the same conservative values that made this Nation the greatest on the planet.
I’m not against what we have in the White House right now because of his color. He’s a liberal, marxist, communist, that’s what I am against.
And God willing we can still vote in 2012 he won’t get another four years.
And what does anti-establisment mean today?
It means Conservative God fearing truth loving and having solid definable values and that would mean Strong leadership and a clear agenda!
I think she could do this and as far as the male chauvinists go?
Hell I is one!
Republicans are pussy's! The Republican party stands solidly for nothing.
They are going to have to make major changes in the way they operate to win my support back.
As far As I am concerned Bush pushed us to the edge of the precipice of socialism Obama just shoved us in.
What "base?" Perot's base was the cast of the bar scene in Star Wars.
Women are socialists.
That’s a pretty big statement that I have to argue against.
Not the majority of women I know, especially those I’m related to.
I believe there are a loud vocal minority who are socialists, but the majority aren’t.
Just my opinion you understand.
It will come up in the debates.
I beg to differ. There’s not a conservative man in America that would refuse to vote for a woman such as Margaret Thatcher, given an opportunity, and I believe the same can be said for Gov. Palin.
You gotta love Maggie Thatcher.
I think that’s alot of the problem alot of people saying conservative’ but not actually voting that way.
At least that’s my opinion.
The way things are going, after 4 years of Obama, people will vote for Mickey Mouse just to see him gone!! Just my opinion!!
The vile comments are coming from liberal/Democrat women, mostly. Plenty of women on Free Republic are gung-ho for her. Also most conservative/moderate, some liberal women will vote for her when she runs. That’s 3 years from now - plenty of time to hone her message and gain the ‘gravitas’ people expect from Republican candidates (that doesn’t apply to Democrap cadidates, obviously).
It shouldn't play any different than Obama's resignation from the senate after 2 years, should it? If they make an issue of it it can be turned right back on them.
The financial meltdown, the in-the-tank media and the hatred of George Bush allowed Obama to win.
And Obama outspent McCain 4 to 1 in the battleground states.
Honestly, I can’t come up with a scenario having McCain-Palin winning. Even if they had taken Indiana and NC it woud have still been 339 to 199 (26 to 24 in states).
McCain could have been 20 years younger and vigorous and Palin could have been 10 years older and ugly-it still wouldn’t have made a difference.
That McCain made it so close was really the story of the election, not that Obama won.
Oh, it's not just your opinion; it's mine, too! Millions and millions of people will be clamoring to get him out of office. Mickey Mouse seems a far more competent leader, doesn't he? The only thing he and Obama have in common is enormous ears. :o)
When John Kerry was campaigning in 2004 he mentioned in a speech that he had once rescued his daughter's pet hamster named Licorice. As election day neared and Kerry had made so many gaffes, I remember commenting that Licorice could get elected before Kerry. So you see, you are absolutely right about Mickey Mouse! Even the rodents look better than the Democrats. Sad, but true.
I hear a bunch of grumbling coming from Obama voters around here mainly because that Hopey and Changie thing isnt working! I hear it no matter where I seem to go!!
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