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To: jessduntno
Sarah Palin pushes a lot of conservative hot buttons. Emotionally and culturally she is in tune with a lot of people on FR.

Including me. I do like her a lot.

But there are millions of Americans who meet that test, I wouldn't say all of them would get my vote for President.

Sarah is comparable to Ronald Reagan in the early '50s. Reagan at that time had a gut-level conservatism, but it was only after he spent fifteen years thinking, and talking, and writing, that he really had the consistent and well grounded conservative world view that made him the great President he was.

I'd be delighted to see Sarah - or anyone else - head down that path.

178 posted on 07/09/2009 12:20:10 PM PDT by Notary Sojac (Chains you can believe in...)
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To: Notary Sojac

“But there are millions of Americans who meet that test, I wouldn’t say all of them would get my vote for President.”

Can you name one who meets this much criteria and is a viable political figure? You know, just in case Sarah ends up deciding the whole Republican’t Party can go screw...

226 posted on 07/09/2009 12:43:30 PM PDT by jessduntno (NEVER say Cap and Trade Bill. It's the Electricity, Heating Oil and Gasoline Tax Bill....)
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