You've got that right. We're supposed to be conservatives. We're SUPPOSED to think logically and use well reasoned arguments to back up our contentions, and we DO, generally...
But let there be ONE WHIFF of a (possibly Democrat manufactured) Republican 'scandal', and FOOM, it's under the bus, guilty or not.
He has the absolute power to throw any “lies and distortions” directly under the bus. Today. Right now. Just come out and tell what happened. I believe most people here would be HAPPY to hear “the truth” directly from him. I’d love to hear a logical explanation for deciding at the stroke of the last second to “cruise” the coastline of Argentina. Alone. Without any contact. Without anyone knowing where he was. I wonder what kind of calamity could have happened. Not even to his state...but to his wife and children as THEY vacationed without him. Let him come out and put all this to rest. Has he yet?
Bingo. With this thread, it’s like I stepped into DU-land. Hyenas and jackals.