What was Letterman’s exact quote about their daughter?
something like, “at the Yankee game, Willow got knocked-up by A-Rod”.
He didn’t say “rape”...however...she is 14. If she got knocked up by A-Rod...then it was rape. Disgusting excuse for humor. These people just can’t help themselves. They see an articulate conservative drawing at least 20k anywhere she goes so they have to try to destroy her.
I am awaiting this answer as well. What did he say exactly?
Letterman "joke" about Willow Palin and A-Rod (Monday, 6/8/09)
Last night, Letterman associated Willow Palin with Eliot Spitzer and prostitution:
Letterman "joke" about Willow Palin and Elito Spitzer (Tuesday, 6/9/09)
I'm trying to quote from memory, so a word or two may be off, but here is the gyst of the comment:
Sarah Palin attended the Yankee game last night, and there was an awkward moment, a bit of an awkward moment when her daughter got knocked up by A-Rod in the seventh inning. Yeah, that would be awkward. 'Hey, cut that out and get back in the dugout for pete's sake.'Again, I don't have a transcript, and I'm quoting from memory, but that is pretty much what he said. He tried to spin it later that he was talking about Bristol, but the only daughter that accompanied them on the trip was Willow.